Amend SB 2054 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) Strike page 2, line 12 through page 2, line 27, and substitute the following:
Workforce Commission amounts sufficient to cover the cost of implementing the program under Section 521.168, including amounts sufficient for the payment by the Texas Workforce Commission of:
(A) fees to entities other than the department; and
(B) the Texas Workforce Commission's implementation costs; and
(2) for [For] each exemption granted under Section 521.1015 or 521.1811, [the department shall] deposit to the credit of the Texas mobility fund an amount [from the identification fee exemption account under Subsection (a)] that is equal to the amount of the waived fee that would otherwise be deposited to the mobility fund.
(c) The department may not:
(1) request a transfer under Subsection (b)(1) if the balance of the account for the fiscal year is less than three times the amount expended in the previous fiscal year for the waivers provided by Sections 521.1015(e) and 521.1811; or
(2) On page 3, line 3, strike "(b)(3)" and substitute "(b)(2)".