Senate Research Center |
H.B. 827 |
87R18359 JTS-D |
By: Huberty (Bettencourt) |
Transportation |
5/17/2021 |
Engrossed |
H.B. 827 amends Chapter 372 of the Transportation Code to prohibit the disclosure of vehicle speed information to a law enforcement agency by an entity that operates a toll project.
Currently, the Texas Department of Transportation does not collect speed information on tollways, but private entities that operate toll projects may. The mandate of toll operators does not include the collection and distribution of vehicle speeds for the purposes of proving an offense.
This bill includes an exception, allowing for the release of information for the purposes of investigating an offense that is a felony and/or results in the death or serious bodily injury of a person.
Furthermore, the bill includes a provision allowing for the release of information relevant to an investigation that results in death or serious bodily injury.
H.B. 827 amends current law relating to the disclosure of vehicle speed information to a law enforcement agency by an entity that operates a toll project.
This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.
SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 372, Transportation Code, by adding Section 372.059, as follows:
Sec. 372.059. PROHIBITION ON DISCLOSURE OF VEHICLE SPEED. (a) Prohibits a toll project entity or a private entity that operates a toll project and collects information on the speed at which a vehicle is operated on the toll project from disclosing the information to a law enforcement agency for the purpose of proving an offense under Subchapter H (Speed Restrictions), Chapter 545 (Operation and Movement of Vehicles).
(b) Provides that this section does not apply to the release of information for the investigation of an offense that results in the death or serious bodily injury of a person.
SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 2021.