Senate Research Center

C.S.H.B. 4667

87R27770 NC-D

By: Morales, Eddie (Gutierrez)


Local Government




Committee Report (Substituted)






C.S.H.B. 4667 amends current law relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Department of Public Safety to the City of Eagle Pass.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. (a) Requires the Public Safety Commission, as soon as practicable, to transfer to the City of Eagle Pass the real property interests of the State of Texas and the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas in the tract of land described by Subsection (f) of this section. Requires the City of Eagle Pass to enter into an interlocal agreement with Maverick County that grants the county non-exclusive, mutual use of that tract of land for a purpose that benefits the public interest of the state and for a term of not less than 25 years.


(b) Authorizes the City of Eagle Pass and Maverick County to use the property transferred under this Act only for a purpose that benefits the public interest of the state. Provides that if the City of Eagle Pass uses the property for any purpose other than a purpose described by this subsection, ownership of the property automatically reverts to the State of Texas. Provides that if Maverick County uses the property for any purpose other than a purpose described by this subsection, the interlocal agreement described by Subsection (a) of this section is void.


(c) Requires the Public Safety Commission to transfer the property by an appropriate instrument of transfer. Requires that the instrument of transfer:


(1) provide that:


(A)� the City of Eagle Pass is authorized to use the property only for a purpose that benefits the public interest of the state; and


(B)� ownership of the property will automatically revert to the State of Texas if the City of Eagle Pass uses the property for any purpose other than a purpose described by Paragraph (A) of this subdivision; and


(2)� describe the property to be transferred by metes and bounds.


(d) Requires the Public Safety Commission to retain custody of the instrument of transfer after the instrument of transfer is filed in the real property records of Maverick County.


(e) Provides that Sections 31.158 (Real Estate Transactions Authorized by Legislature) and 31.159 (First Option to Purchase), Natural Resources Code, do not apply to the transfer of real property authorized by this Act.


(f) Describes the tract of land referred to in this section.


SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2021.