87R17917 JXC-F
  By: Goldman, Herrero, Geren, Anchia, H.B. No. 14
      Craddick, et al.
  relating to the creation of the Texas Electricity Supply Chain
  Security and Mapping Committee.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 38, Utilities Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter F to read as follows:
  MAPPING COMMITTEE. (a) In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Electricity supply chain" means:
                     (A)  facilities and methods used for producing,
  processing, or transporting natural gas for delivery to electric
  generation facilities; and
                     (B)  critical infrastructure necessary to
  maintain electricity service.
               (2)  "Natural gas delivery system" means:
                     (A)  facilities and methods used for producing,
  processing, or transporting natural gas for delivery to
  distribution gas pipeline facilities; and
                     (B)  critical infrastructure necessary to
  maintain natural gas service.
         (b)  The Texas Electricity Supply Chain Security and Mapping
  Committee is established to:
               (1)  map this state's electricity supply chain and
  natural gas delivery system;
               (2)  identify critical infrastructure sources in the
  electricity supply chain and natural gas delivery system;
               (3)  establish best practices to prepare facilities
  that provide electric and natural gas service to maintain service
  in an extreme weather event and recommend oversight and compliance
  standards for those facilities; and
               (4)  designate priority service needs to prepare for,
  respond to, and recover from an extreme weather event.
         (c)  The committee is composed of:
               (1)  the executive director of the commission; 
               (2)  the executive director of the Railroad Commission
  of Texas;
               (3)  the president and the chief executive officer of
  the independent organization certified under Section 39.151 for the
  ERCOT power region; and
               (4)  the chief of the Texas Division of Emergency
         (d)  Each member of the committee may designate a personal
  representative from the member's organization to represent the
  member on the committee. A member is responsible for the acts and
  omissions of the designee related to the designee's representation
  on the committee.
         (e)  The executive director of the commission serves as the
  chair of the committee. The executive director of the Railroad
  Commission of Texas serves as vice chair of the committee.
         Sec. 38.202.  ADMINISTRATION. (a) The committee shall meet
  at least once each calendar quarter at a time determined by the
  committee and at the call of the chair.
         (b)  A member who is an ex officio member from a state agency
  shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses in carrying
  out committee responsibilities from money appropriated for that
  purpose in the agency's budget. Other members of the committee may
  receive reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses in carrying
  out committee responsibilities from money appropriated for that
         (c)  The commission, the Railroad Commission of Texas, and
  the Texas Division of Emergency Management shall provide staff as
  necessary to assist the committee in carrying out the committee's
  duties and responsibilities.
         (d)  The independent organization certified under Section
  39.151 for the ERCOT power region shall provide staff as necessary
  to assist the committee in carrying out the committee's duties and
         (e)  Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, the
  committee is subject to Chapters 2001, 551, and 552, Government
         Sec. 38.203.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMITTEE. (a) The
  committee shall:
               (1)  map the state's electricity supply chain in order
  to designate priority electricity service needs during extreme
  weather events;
               (2)  identify and designate the sources in the
  electricity supply chain necessary to operate critical
  infrastructure, as defined by Section 421.001, Government Code;
               (3)  develop a communication system between critical
  infrastructure sources, the commission, and the independent
  organization certified under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power
  region to ensure that electricity and natural gas supplies are
  prioritized to those sources during an extreme weather event; and
               (4)  establish best practices to prepare facilities
  that provide electric and natural gas service to maintain service
  in an extreme weather event and recommend oversight and compliance
  standards for those facilities.
         (b)  The commission shall:
               (1)  create and maintain a database identifying
  critical infrastructure sources with priority electricity needs to
  be used during an extreme weather event; and
               (2)  update the database at least once each year.
         (c)  The information maintained in the database is
  confidential under Section 418.181, Government Code, and not
  subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code.
         Sec. 38.204.  ELECTRIC SUPPLY MAPPING REPORT. (a) Not later
  than January 1, 2022, the committee shall submit a report to the
  governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of
  representatives, and the legislature on the activities and findings
  of the committee. The report must:
               (1)  provide an overview of the committee's findings
  regarding mapping the electricity supply chain and identifying
  sources necessary to operate critical infrastructure;
               (2)  recommend a clear and thorough communication
  system for the commission, the Railroad Commission of Texas, the
  Texas Division of Emergency Management, and the independent
  organization certified under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power
  region and critical infrastructure sources in this state to ensure
  that electricity supply is prioritized to those sources during
  extreme weather events; and
               (3)  include a list of the established best practices
  and recommended oversight and compliance standards adopted under
  Section 38.203(a)(4).
         (b)  The report is public information except for portions
  considered confidential under Chapter 552, Government Code, or
  other state or federal law.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2021.