87R977 MAW-D
  By: Thompson of Harris H.B. No. 137
  relating to the authority of a court to grant a commutation of
  punishment for certain persons released on parole.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 48, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Article 48.07 to read as follows:
         Art. 48.07.  COMMUTATION FOR CERTAIN PAROLEES. (a) A person
  released on parole may file a motion with the court in which the
  person was convicted requesting that the court commute the person's
  sentence if:
               (1)  the person was released on parole not less than 10
  years before the date the motion is filed;
               (2)  the person's release on parole was not revoked at
  any time during the period described by Subdivision (1); and
               (3)  the person is not required to register as a sex
  offender under Chapter 62.
         (b)  The person must submit with the motion information
  relevant to the person's rehabilitation, including:
               (1)  the person's employment history while released on
               (2)  information concerning any educational or
  training programs completed by the person while confined or
  released on parole;
               (3)  information concerning any volunteer activities
  of the person; and
               (4)  any letters of support for the person's motion.
         (c)  On receipt of a motion under this article, the court
               (1)  notify the attorney representing the state in the
  jurisdiction in which the person was convicted; and
               (2)  request from the Texas Department of Criminal
  Justice under Section 508.313, Government Code, information
  related to the conduct of the person while on parole.
         (d)  The attorney representing the state may submit to the
  court any relevant information.
         (e)  The court may hold a hearing to consider the motion and
  may take testimony from the person who submitted the motion or from
  any other person having relevant information. If the court holds a
  hearing, the court shall provide notice of the hearing to the
  attorney representing the state and allow the attorney to
  participate in the hearing.
         (f)  Not later than the 180th day after the date a motion is
  filed under this article, the court shall review the motion, the
  information obtained under Subsection (c)(2) or provided by the
  attorney representing the state, and any testimony presented at the
  hearing, if applicable, to determine whether the person who filed
  the motion meets the eligibility requirements under Subsection (a).
  If the person is eligible, the court shall issue an order commuting
  the person's sentence if the court determines that it is in the best
  interest of justice, the public, and the person.
         (g)  The authority of a court under this article is limited
  to commuting the person's sentence to reflect the time served by the
  person while confined or released on parole as of the date the order
  is issued. In commuting the sentence the court may not impose
  conditions on the issuance of the order or otherwise related to the
  person's release.
         (h)  A person who receives an order of commutation under this
  article is considered to have fully discharged the person's
         SECTION 2.  Section 508.313(d), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (d)  In this section, "eligible entity" means:
               (1)  a government agency, including the office of a
  prosecuting attorney;
               (2)  an organization with which the department
  contracts or an organization to which the department provides a
  grant; [or]
               (3)  an organization to which inmates are referred for
  services by the department; or
               (4)  a court considering a motion under Article 48.07,
  Code of Criminal Procedure.
         SECTION 3.  The change in law made by this Act applies to a
  person on parole on or after the effective date of this Act,
  regardless of whether the person was released on parole before, on,
  or after that date.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect December 1, 2021, but only
  if the constitutional amendment proposed by the 87th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2021, authorizing the legislature to enact laws
  providing for a court to grant a commutation of punishment to a
  person who has successfully served the required number of years on
  parole is approved by the voters. If that amendment is not approved
  by the voters, this Act has no effect.