By: Thierry, Burrows, Noble, Sanford H.B. No. 211
  relating to sales and use taxes on e-cigarette vapor products;
  imposing taxes.
         SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that:
         It is in the state's interest to implement consistent and
  effective taxation on nicotine-based consumer products and set
  appropriate tax rates based on the risk associated with the
  different types of new nicotine and tobacco products we see in
  today's marketplace.
         SECTION 2.  Subtitle E, Title 2, Tax Code, is amended by
  adding Chapter 164 to read as follows:
         Sec. 164.0001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "E-cigarette" has the meaning assigned by Section
  161.081, Health and Safety Code.
               (2)  "Vapor product" means a consumable nicotine liquid
  solution or other material containing nicotine suitable for use in
  an e-cigarette.
         Sec. 164.0002.  E-CIGARETTE VAPOR PRODUCT SALES TAX. (a) A
  tax is imposed on each sale of a vapor product in this state.
         (b)  The tax rate is five cents for each milliliter or
  fractional part of a milliliter of vapor product sold.
         (c)  The tax imposed under this section is in addition to the
  tax imposed under Subchapter C, Chapter 151. The tax imposed under
  this section does not apply to a sale unless the tax imposed under
  Subchapter C, Chapter 151, applies to the sale.
         Sec. 164.0003.  E-CIGARETTE VAPOR PRODUCT USE TAX. (a)  A
  tax is imposed on the storage, use, or other consumption in this
  state of a vapor product purchased from a retailer for storage, use,
  or other consumption in this state.
         (b)  The tax rate is five cents for each milliliter or
  fractional part of a milliliter of vapor product stored, used, or
  otherwise consumed in this state.
         (c)  The tax imposed under this section is in addition to the
  tax imposed under Subchapter D, Chapter 151. The tax imposed under
  this section does not apply to the storage, use, or other
  consumption of a vapor product unless the tax imposed under
  Subchapter D, Chapter 151, applies to the storage, use, or other
  (a) Except as provided by this chapter:
               (1)  the taxes imposed under this chapter are
  administered, imposed, collected, and enforced in the same manner
  as the taxes under Chapter 151 are administered, imposed,
  collected, and enforced; and
               (2)  the provisions of Chapter 151 applicable to the
  sales tax imposed under Subchapter C, Chapter 151, and the use tax
  imposed under Subchapter D, Chapter 151, apply to the sales and use
  taxes imposed under this chapter.
         (b)  A change in the law relating to the taxation of the sale
  or use of a vapor product under Chapter 151 also applies to the
  sales or use tax imposed under this chapter.
         Sec. 164.0005.  REPORTS. (a) A person required to file a
  report under Section 151.403 who is also required to collect or pay
  a tax under this chapter shall file with the comptroller a report
               (1)  for sales tax purposes, the volume of vapor
  products sold by the seller during the reporting period;
               (2)  for use tax purposes, the volume of vapor products
  sold by the retailer during the reporting period for storage, use,
  or other consumption in this state;
               (3)  the volume of vapor products subject to the use tax
  that were acquired during the reporting period for storage, use, or
  other consumption in this state by a purchaser who did not pay the
  tax to a retailer;
               (4)  the amount of the taxes due under this chapter for
  the reporting period; and
               (5)  any other information required by the comptroller.
         (b)  The report required by this section for a reporting
  period is due on the same date that the tax payment for the period is
         Sec. 164.0006.  RECORDS. A person required to file a report
  under Section 151.403 who is also required to collect or pay a tax
  under this chapter shall keep a complete record of:
               (1)  the volume of vapor products sold in this state
  during each reporting period;
               (2)  the volume of vapor products, including the
  constituent parts of vapor products, purchased from every source
  during each reporting period;
               (3)  all sales and use taxes, and any money represented
  to be sales or use tax, collected during each reporting period; and
               (4)  any other information required by the comptroller.
         Sec. 164.0007.  DISPOSITION AND USE OF PROCEEDS. The
  comptroller shall deposit the proceeds from taxes imposed under
  this chapter as follows:
               (1)  20 percent to the credit of an account in the
  general revenue fund administered by the Department of State Health
  Services, which may be appropriated to the department only for the
  purpose of administering youth vaping prevention and awareness
  programs; and
               (2)  the remainder to the credit of the general revenue
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.