87R3548 EAS-D
  By: Cortez H.B. No. 801
  relating to a certification program for assistance animals;
  authorizing fees; imposing a civil penalty.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 822, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter F to read as follows:
         Sec. 822.151.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Assistance animal" means an animal that works,
  provides assistance, or performs tasks for the benefit of an
  individual with a disability or that provides to an individual with
  a disability emotional support to alleviate one or more medically
  identified symptoms or effects of the individual's disability, as
  determined in accordance with the Fair Housing Amendments Act of
  1988 (42 U.S.C. Section 3601 et seq.). The term does not include a
  canine that qualifies under federal or state laws or regulations as
  a service animal for purposes of the Americans with Disabilities
  Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq.).
               (2)  "Board" means the Texas Medical Board.
               (3)  "Program" means the assistance animal
  certification program established under this subchapter.
  board shall establish and implement the assistance animal
  certification program to certify assistance animals in this state.
  The program must require:
               (1)  an assistance animal to successfully complete an
  obedience training course that meets the minimum standards
  established by board rule;
               (2)  an assistance animal to be evaluated in accordance
  with board rules by a licensed veterinarian who has determined that
  the assistance animal:
                     (A)  has all necessary vaccinations; 
                     (B)  does not have any internal or external
  parasites; and 
                     (C)  has good oral health; and 
               (3)  the primary owner of the assistance animal to be
  evaluated in accordance with board rules by a mental health
  professional licensed in this state with expertise in emotional
  health to determine whether the owner has a disability that
  necessitates the services of an assistance animal.
         Sec. 822.153.  CERTIFICATION REQUIRED. An individual may
  not claim or represent an animal is an assistance animal that allows
  the individual to access benefits provided by law to individuals
  with disabilities who use assistance animals unless the primary
  owner of the animal holds a certificate issued under this
  subchapter for the animal.
  This subchapter does not apply to a canine that qualifies under
  federal or state laws or regulations as a service animal for
  purposes of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.
  Section 12101 et seq.).
         Sec. 822.155.  CERTIFICATE ISSUANCE. (a)  The board shall
  issue a certificate for an animal if the animal and primary owner of
  the animal meet the requirements for certification under this
  subchapter, including the requirements established under Section
  822.152, and the owner applicant:
               (1)  submits an application in the form prescribed by
  the board;
               (2)  submits evidence in the form prescribed by the
  board demonstrating the animal and owner satisfy the requirements
  for certification under this subchapter;
               (3)  pays the required application fee; and
               (4)  meets any other requirements established by board
         (b)  The board shall:
               (1)  assign to each assistance animal certified under
  the program a unique identification number; and
               (2)  issue to the primary owner of an assistance animal
  certified under the program a certificate that includes:
                     (A)  the name and identification number of the
  owner's assistance animal; and
                     (B)  the name of the owner.
         Sec. 822.156.  CERTIFICATE TERM AND RENEWAL. (a)  A
  certificate issued under this subchapter expires on the first
  anniversary of the date of issuance.
         (b)  An individual may renew an unexpired certificate under
  this subchapter by:
               (1)  submitting the appropriate renewal form;
               (2)  paying the required renewal fee;
               (3)  presenting evidence in the form prescribed by the
  board demonstrating the assistance animal certified under the
  program has been examined by a licensed veterinarian who determined
  the assistance animal:
                     (A)  is physically capable of providing
  assistance animal services; and
                     (B)  meets the physical health requirements
  described by Section 822.152(2) and established by board rule;
               (4)  presenting evidence in the form prescribed by the
  board demonstrating the primary owner of the assistance animal has
  been evaluated by a licensed mental health professional with
  expertise in emotional health who determined the owner has a
  disability that necessitates the services of an assistance animal;
               (5)  meeting any other requirements established by
  board rule.
         Sec. 822.157.  ASSISTANCE ANIMAL REGISTRY. The board shall
  establish and maintain on the board's Internet website a statewide
  registry for each assistance animal certified under the program.
  The registry must be accessible to the public and allow individuals
  to search by the identification number assigned to an assistance
  animal under Section 822.155.
         Sec. 822.158.  MASTER PLANNED COMMUNITIES. (a) An
  assistance animal is not permitted in the common recreational areas
  of a master planned community that is subject to restrictive
  covenants limiting residency in the community to persons 55 years
  of age or older or households with at least one person 55 years of
  age or older unless:
               (1)  the assistance animal is certified as required by
  this subchapter; and
               (2)  the primary owner of the assistance animal obtains
  permission from administrators of the community for the assistance
  animal to be in the common recreational areas. 
         (b)  A master planned community described by Subsection (a)
  shall post outside each common recreational area notice:
               (1)  that permission is required before an assistance
  animal is permitted in the area; and
               (2)  of the procedure for obtaining the permission. 
         Sec. 822.159.  RULES; FEES.  (a)  The board shall adopt rules
  necessary to implement this subchapter.
         (b)  The board shall impose fees in an amount reasonable and
  necessary to cover the costs of administering this subchapter.
         Sec. 822.160.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION; CIVIL PENALTY.  (a)  The
  board may suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew a certificate
  for a violation of this subchapter or a rule adopted or order issued
  under this subchapter.
         (b)  A person who violates this subchapter or a rule adopted
  or order issued under this subchapter is liable to this state for a
  civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 a day. At the request of the
  board, the attorney general shall bring an action to recover a civil
  penalty authorized under this subsection and may recover reasonable
  investigation costs, attorney's fees, and witness and deposition
  fees incurred by the attorney general or board in the civil action.
         SECTION 2.  (a)  As soon as practicable after the effective
  date of this Act but not later than May 1, 2022, the Texas Medical
  Board shall:
               (1)  establish and implement the assistance animal
  certification program as required by Subchapter F, Chapter 822,
  Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act; and
               (2)  establish the assistance animal registry as
  required by Section 822.157, Health and Safety Code, as added by
  this Act.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subchapter F, Chapter 822, Health and
  Safety Code, as added by this Act, a person is not required to
  obtain certification for an assistance animal under that subchapter
  before June 1, 2022.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.