87R6008 MLH-D
  By: J. Johnson of Harris H.B. No. 1597
  relating to transitional living services provided to foster youth
  transitioning to independent living.
         SECTION 1.  Section 264.121(a), Family Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The department shall address the unique challenges
  facing foster children in the conservatorship of the department who
  must transition to independent living by:
               (1)  expanding efforts to improve transition planning
  and increasing the availability of transitional family group
  decision-making to all youth age 14 or older in the department's
  permanent managing conservatorship, including enrolling the youth
  in the Preparation for Adult Living Program before the age of 16;
               (2)  coordinating with the commission to obtain
  authority, to the extent allowed by federal law, the state Medicaid
  plan, the Title IV-E state plan, and any waiver or amendment to
  either plan, necessary to:
                     (A)  extend foster care eligibility [and
  transition services for youth] up to age 21 and develop policy to
  permit eligible youth to return to foster care as necessary to
  achieve the goals of the Transitional Living Services Program;
                     (B)  extend transition services for youth up to
  age 26 and develop policy to permit eligible youth who have exited
  foster care to continue to participate in the Transitional Living
  Services Program as necessary to achieve the goals of the program;
                     (C)  extend Medicaid coverage for foster care
  youth and former foster care youth up to age 26 [21] with a single
  application at the time the youth leaves foster care; and
               (3)  entering into cooperative agreements with the
  Texas Workforce Commission and local workforce development boards
  to further the objectives of the Preparation for Adult Living
  Program.  The department, the Texas Workforce Commission, and the
  local workforce development boards shall ensure that services are
  prioritized and targeted to meet the needs of foster care and former
  foster care children and that such services will include, where
  feasible, referrals for short-term stays for youth needing housing.
         SECTION 2.  Section 264.121(b)(3), Family Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
               (3)  "Transitional Living Services Program" means a
  program, administered by the department in accordance with
  department rules and state and federal law, for youth who are age 14
  or older but not more than 26 [21] years of age and are currently or
  were formerly in foster care, that assists youth in transitioning
  from foster care to independent living.  The program provides
  transitional living services, Preparation for Adult Living Program
  services, and Education and Training Voucher Program services.
         SECTION 3.  Section 264.121(c), Family Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  At the time a child enters the Preparation for Adult
  Living Program, the department shall provide an information booklet
  to the child and the foster parent describing the program and the
  benefits available to the child, including extended Medicaid
  coverage until age 26 [21], priority status with the Texas
  Workforce Commission, and the exemption from the payment of tuition
  and fees at institutions of higher education as defined by Section
  61.003, Education Code.  The information booklet provided to the
  child and the foster parent shall be provided in the primary
  language spoken by that individual.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.