By: González of El Paso H.B. No. 1602
  relating to information regarding career and employment skills
  development required to be included with a written statement of an
  individualized education program developed for certain public
  school students.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 29, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 29.0113 to read as follows:
  (a)  For students eligible to begin transition planning under
  sections 29.011 and 29.0111, the strategies described in this
  subsection shall be considered, and, when needed, addressed in the
  individualized education program. The district shall prepare a
  supplement to be included with the written statement of the
  individualized education program developed for the child under
  Section 29.005(b). The supplement must include information
               (1)  the need for and use of age-appropriate transition
  assessments that collect data on the student's needs, preferences
  and interests regarding employment, self-determination and
  self-advocacy, independent living and study skills;
               (2)  the development of appropriate employment goals
  and objectives;
               (3)  the need for and development of independent living
  goals and objectives;
               (4)  the need for and use of supplementary aids,
  services, curricula, and other opportunities to assist the student
  in developing decision-making skills, and the supports and services
  needed to foster the student's independence and
  self-determination, including a supported decision-making
  agreement under Chapter 1357, Estates Code;
               (5)  the need for and use of age-appropriate
  instructional environments, including community settings to
  prepare the student for postsecondary education or training, or
  competitive integrated employment;
               (6)  the development of appropriate measurable
  postsecondary goals based on transition assessments related to
  training, education, employment, and, where appropriate,
  independent living skills;
               (7)  the need to facilitate a referral of a student or
  the student's parents to a governmental agency for services or
  public benefits, including a referral to a governmental agency for
  public benefits available to the student, such as a waiver program
  established under Section 1915(c), Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
  Section 1396n(c)), including supported employment and employment
  assistance services;
               (8)  the transition services, including courses of
  study, needed to assist the student in reaching the postsecondary
  goals developed under this subsection;
               (9)  the job exploration activities available to and
  utilized by the student;
               (10)  the need for a referral to vocational
  rehabilitation services;
               (11)  the need to invite the student's vocational
  rehabilitation counselor to the student's admission, review, and
  dismissal committee meeting and opportunities for collaboration
  between the district and vocational rehabilitation; and
               (12)  training needed for teachers, counselors,
  parents and other school staff needed to implement the students
  transition and employment goals.
         (b)  A student's admission, review, and dismissal committee
  shall annually review the issues described by Subsection (a) and,
  if necessary, update the portions of the student's individualized
  education program that address those issues.
         (c)  The written statement of the individualized education
  program must document the decisions of the admission, review, and
  dismissal committee with respect to issues discussed at each
  admission, review, and dismissal committee meeting.
         (d)  Section 29.005(f) and Section 29.0051 do not apply to a
  supplement prepared for inclusion with a written statement of an
  individualized education program, as required by this section.
         (e)  The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this section.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2021.