By: Price H.B. No. 1824
  relating to the continuity of services received by persons
  receiving services at state hospitals and state supported living
         SECTION 1.  Section 574.102, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  This subchapter applies to the application of
  medication to a patient subject to a court order for mental health
  services under this chapter or transferred from a residential care
  facility to an inpatient mental health facility under chapter
  594.032, Health and Safety Code.
         (b)  For the purposes of this subchapter, a person described
  under subsection (a) is considered to be a patient as that term is
  used in this subchapter.
         SECTION 2.  The heading to Section 574.103 is amended to read
  as follows:
         SECTION 3.  Subsection 574.103(b), Health and Safety Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A person may not administer a psychoactive medication to
  a patient under court-ordered inpatient mental health services or a
  person transferred from a residential care facility to an inpatient
  mental health facility under chapter 594.032, Health and Safety
  Code who refuses to take the medication voluntarily unless:
               (1)  the patient is having a medication-related
               (2)  the patient is under an order issued under Section
  574.106 or 592.156 authorizing the administration of the medication
  regardless of the patient's refusal; or
               (3)  the patient is a ward who is 18 years of age or
  older and the guardian of the person of the ward consents to the
  administration of psychoactive medication regardless of the ward's
  expressed preferences regarding treatment with psychoactive
         SECTION 4.  Section 574.104, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A physician who is treating a patient in an inpatient
  setting may, on behalf of the state, file an application in a
  probate court or a court with probate jurisdiction for an order to
  authorize the administration of a psychoactive medication
  regardless of the patient's refusal if:
               (1)  the physician believes that the patient lacks the
  capacity to make a decision regarding the administration of the
  psychoactive medication;
               (2)  the physician determines that the medication is
  the proper course of treatment for the patient;
               (3)  the patient is:
                     (A)  under an order for inpatient mental health
  services under this chapter [or other law], transferred under
  594.032 of the Health & Safety Code; or
                     (B)  the subject of an application for
  court-ordered mental health services under Section 574.034 or [,
  574.0345,] 574.035 [, or 574.0355] that has been filed for the
  patient; and
               (4)  the patient, verbally or by other indication,
  refuses to take the medication voluntarily.
         (b)  An application filed under this section must state:
               (1)  that the physician believes that the patient lacks
  the capacity to make a decision regarding administration of the
  psychoactive medication and the reasons for that belief;
               (2)  each medication the physician wants the court to
  compel the patient to take;
               (3)  whether an application for court-ordered mental
  health services under Section 574.034 or 574.035 has been filed;
               (4)  whether a court order described by
  subsection(a)(3)(A)or(B) for [inpatient mental health] services
  for the patient has been issued and, if so, under what authority it
  was issued;
               (5)  the physician's diagnosis of the patient; and
               (6)  the proposed method for administering the
  medication and, if the method is not customary, an explanation
  justifying the departure from the customary methods.
         SECTION 5.  Subsection 574.106(a) and (a-1), Health and
  Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The court may issue an order authorizing the
  administration of one or more classes of psychoactive medication to
  a patient who:
               (1)  is described by section 574.102 [under a court
  order to receive inpatient mental health services]; or
               (2)  is in custody awaiting trial in a criminal
  proceeding and was ordered to receive inpatient mental health
  services in the six months preceding a hearing under this section.
         (a-1)  The court may issue an order under this section only
  if the court finds by clear and convincing evidence after the
               (1)  that the patient lacks the capacity to make a
  decision regarding the administration of the proposed medication
  and treatment with the proposed medication is in the best interest
  of the patient; or
               (2)  if the patient was ordered to receive inpatient
  mental health services by a criminal court with jurisdiction over
  the patient, that treatment with the proposed medication is in the
  best interest of the patient and either:
                     (A)  the patient presents a danger to the patient
  or others in the inpatient mental health facility in which the
  patient is being treated as a result of a mental illness or
  intellectual disability [disorder or mental defect] as determined
  under Section 574.1065; or
                     (B)  the patient:
                           (i)  has remained confined in a correctional
  facility, as defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code, for a period
  exceeding 72 hours while awaiting transfer for competency
  restoration treatment; and
                           (ii)  presents a danger to the patient or
  others in the correctional facility as a result of a mental illness
  or intellectual disability [disorder or mental defect] as
  determined under Section 574.1065.
         SECTION 6.  Section 574.107, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The costs for a hearing under this subchapter for a
  patient committed under this chapter shall be paid in accordance
  with Sections 571.017 and 571.018.
         (b)  The county in which the applicable criminal charges are
  pending or were adjudicated shall pay as provided by Subsection (a)
  the costs of a hearing that is held under Section 574.106 to
  evaluate the court-ordered administration of psychoactive
  medication to:
               (1)  a patient ordered to receive mental health
  services as described by Section 574.106(a)(1) after having been
  determined to be incompetent to stand trial or having been
  acquitted of an offense by reason of insanity; or
               (2)  a patient who:
                     (A)  is awaiting trial after having been
  determined to be competent to stand trial; and
                     (B)  was ordered to receive mental health services
  as described by Section 574.106(a)(2).
         (c)  The costs for a hearing under this subchapter for a
  patient committed under chapter 593 shall be paid by the county that
  ordered the commitment under that chapter.
         SECTION 7.  Section 574.110, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  [Except as provided by Subsection (b), a] An order
  issued under Section 574.106 for a patient that is committed under
  this chapter expires on the expiration or termination date of the
  order for temporary or extended mental health services in effect
  when the order for psychoactive medication is issued.
         (b)  An order issued under 574.106 for a patient that is
  committed under chapter 593 expires as provided by section 592.160,
  Health and Safety Code.
         [(b)(c)  An order issued under Section 574.106 for a
  patient who is returned to a correctional facility, as defined by
  Section 1.07, Penal Code, to await trial in a criminal proceeding
  continues to be in effect until the earlier of the following dates,
  as applicable:
               (1)  the 180th day after the date the defendant was
  returned to the correctional facility;
               (2)  the date the defendant is acquitted, is convicted,
  or enters a plea of guilty; or
               (3)  the date on which charges in the case are
         SECTION 8.  Section 576.025(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person may not administer a psychoactive medication to
  a patient receiving voluntary or involuntary mental health services
  who refuses the administration unless:
               (1)  the patient is having a medication-related
               (2)  the patient is younger than 16 years of age, or the
  patient is younger than 18 years of age and is a patient admitted
  for voluntary mental health services under Section 572.002(3)(B),
  and the patient's parent, managing conservator, or guardian
  consents to the administration on behalf of the patient;
               (3)  the refusing patient's representative authorized
  by law to consent on behalf of the patient has consented to the
               (4)  the administration of the medication regardless of
  the patient's refusal is authorized by an order issued under
  Sections 574.106 or 592.156, Health and Safety Code; or
               (5)  the administration of the medication regardless of
  the patient's refusal is authorized by an order issued under
  Article 46B.086, Code of Criminal Procedure.
         SECTION 9.  Section 592.152(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person may not administer a psychoactive medication to
  a client receiving voluntary or involuntary residential care
  services who refuses the administration unless:
               (1)  the client is having a medication-related
               (2)  the refusing client's representative authorized by
  law to consent on behalf of the client has consented to the
               (3)  the administration of the medication regardless of
  the client's refusal is authorized by an order issued under Section
  592.156 or 574.106, Health and Safety Code; or
               (4)  the administration of the medication regardless of
  the client's refusal is authorized by an order issued under Article
  46B.086, Code of Criminal Procedure.
         SECTION 10.  Section 592.153(b), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A person may not administer a psychoactive medication to
  a client who refuses to take the medication voluntarily unless:
               (1)  the client is having a medication-related
               (2)  the client is under an order issued under Section
  592.156 or 574.106, Health and Safety Code, authorizing the
  administration of the medication regardless of the client's
  refusal; or
               (3)  the client is a ward who is 18 years of age or older
  and the guardian of the person of the ward consents to the
  administration of psychoactive medication regardless of the ward's
  expressed preferences regarding treatment with psychoactive
         SECTION 11.  Chapter 594, Health and Safety Code is amended
  by adding Subchapter D to read as follows:
         Sec. 594.050.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "alternate residential care facility" means a
  residential care facility other than the one in which a resident
  resides prior to a temporary transfer.
               (2)  "originating residential care facility" means the
  residential care facility at which the resident resides prior to a
  temporary transfer.
               (3)  "temporary transfer" means the transfer of a
  resident from the originating residential care facility to an
  alternate residential care facility for a period not to exceed 12
  months for the purpose of receiving intensive behavioral health or
  psychiatric services.
  OR DISCHARGE. A temporary transfer under this subchapter is not a
  permanent transfer or discharge from the originating residential
  care center and is not subject to the right to an administrative
  hearing under Section 594.014.
  voluntary resident may not be temporarily transferred to an
  alternate residential care facility without legally adequate
  RESIDENT. The director may transfer a resident to an alternate
  residential care facility if the resident's interdisciplinary team
  has recommended the resident requires the intensive behavioral
  health or psychiatric services available at the alternate
  residential care facility.
         Sec. 594.054.  RESIDENT RETURN. A voluntary resident or a
  court-committed resident shall be returned to the originating
  residential care facility upon completion of the intensive
  behavioral health or psychiatric services program provided at the
  alternate residential care facility. The originating residential
  care facility shall maintain a vacancy for the resident while the
  resident remains at the alternate residential care facility.
  resident who is transferred to an alternate residential care
  facility who no longer requires treatment at a residential care
  facility may be transferred to an alternative placement or
  discharged directly from the alternate residential care facility
  without the necessity of return to the originating residential care
         SECTION 12.  The executive commissioner shall adopt rules
  defining the qualifications and conditions for resident
  participation in intensive behavioral or psychiatric treatment.
  The rules must address the process for temporary transfer to an
  alternative residential care facility, ensure the services
  provided are comparable to the services provided at the originating
  residential care facility, and establish minimum staffing ratios.
         SECTION 13.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
  effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2021.