relating to the control and funding of law enforcement and public |
safety services in certain political subdivisions. |
SECTION A1.AA(a) This Act may be cited as the Texas Public |
Safety Protection Act. |
SECTION 1. Subtitle A, Title 11, Local Government Code, is |
amended by adding Chapter 345 to read as follows: |
Sec. 345.001. PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to |
provide certain municipalities that have defunded their law |
enforcement agencies with law enforcement and public safety |
services. |
Sec. 345.002. CONSTRUCTION OF CHAPTER. (a) This chapter |
shall be liberally construed in conformity with the purpose in |
Section 345.001. |
(b) If any provision of general law is in conflict or |
inconsistent with this chapter, this chapter prevails. Any general |
law not in conflict or inconsistent with this chapter is adopted and |
incorporated by reference. |
Sec. 345.003. APPLICABILITY. This chapter applies only to |
a municipality that is: |
(1) located wholly or partly in a county with a |
population of more than 1 million and less than 1.5 million; and |
(2) a defunding local government under Section |
140.013. |
Sec. 345.004. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Board" means the board of directors of a zone. |
(2) "Director" means a member of a board. |
(3) "Zone" means a law enforcement and public safety |
zone created under this chapter. |
Sec. 345.005. CONFLICT OF LAWS. To the extent of a conflict |
between a provision of this chapter and another law applicable to |
the maintenance or distribution of a defunding local government's |
share of taxes collected by the comptroller under Chapter 321, Tax |
Code, this chapter controls. |
Sec. 345.051. CREATION OF ZONE. (a) The governor by |
declaration may designate as a law enforcement and public safety |
zone an area in a municipality to which this chapter applies. |
(b) The declaration must: |
(1) prescribe the date on which the zone will begin |
operations; |
(2) describe the boundaries of the zone; |
(A) by metes and bounds; |
(B) by verifiable landmarks; or |
(C) if there is a recorded map or plat and survey |
of the area, by lot and block number; |
(3) appoint the initial board of directors of the |
zone; and |
(4) notwithstanding Section 321.502, Tax Code, and |
beginning on the date that the zone begins operations, direct the |
comptroller of public accounts to set aside in a special fund for |
the purpose of funding zone operations, the municipality's share of |
the taxes collected by the comptroller under Chapter 321, Tax Code. |
Sec. 345.101. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. (a) A zone is governed |
by a board of at least three but no more than 11 directors who are |
appointed by the governor. |
(b) Directors serve two-year terms with the terms expiring |
January 1 of each even-numbered year. |
(c) A vacancy is filled for the unexpired term by |
appointment by the governor. |
(d) A director is not liable for civil damages or criminal |
prosecution for any act performed in good faith in the execution of |
the director's duties or for any action taken by the board. |
Sec. 345.102. QUALIFICATIONS OF DIRECTORS. To serve as a |
director, a person must be at least 18 years old and be: |
(1) a resident of the municipality or county in which |
the zone is located; |
(2) a property owner in the zone; |
(3) an agent or employee of a person described by |
Subdivision (2); or |
(4) a person with law enforcement experience. |
After the appointment of directors, the board shall organize by |
electing a presiding officer, a secretary, and any other officers |
the board considers necessary. |
(b) The board shall meet at least quarterly and at the call |
of the presiding officer. |
EXPENSES. A director is not entitled to compensation for service on |
the board but is entitled to be reimbursed for necessary expenses |
incurred in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of a |
director. |
A position on the board may not be construed to be a civil office of |
emolument for any purpose, including those purposes described by |
Article XVI, Section 40, of the Texas Constitution. |
Sec. 345.106. VOTING. An affirmative vote by a majority of |
the directors then appointed is required for the board to take |
formal action. |
Sec. 345.107. OPEN RECORDS AND MEETINGS. The board is |
treated as a governmental body for the purposes of Chapters 551 and |
552, Government Code. |
Sec. 345.151. GENERAL POWERS. A zone has the powers |
necessary or convenient to accomplish the zone's purpose under this |
chapter. |
Sec. 345.152. SPECIFIC POWERS AND DUTIES. (a) A zone shall |
direct all law enforcement activities and public safety services in |
the zone, including: |
(1) the enforcement of all state criminal, traffic, |
and safety laws in the zone; |
(2) the prevention of crime in the zone; |
(3) the investigation, detection, and apprehension of |
persons who violate laws in the zone; and |
(4) the protection of the welfare and safety of |
residents of and visitors to the zone. |
(b) A zone shall finance all the costs of the law |
enforcement activities and public safety services described in |
Subsection (a), including the costs for personnel, administration, |
and contracting. |
(a) The board has exclusive management and control over any peace |
officer employed or contracted to provide law enforcement and |
public safety services in the zone while the peace officer is |
performing those services. |
(b) The board shall ensure that each peace officer employed |
or contracted to provide law enforcement and public safety services |
in the zone is a licensed peace officer under Chapter 1701, |
Occupations Code. |
(c) The board may establish payment rates for peace officers |
employed or contracted to provide law enforcement and public safety |
services in the zone. In establishing those rates, the board shall |
ensure that the hourly wage paid by the zone to a peace officer does |
not exceed two hundred percent of the hourly wage paid to the peace |
officer for performing law enforcement activities by another |
jurisdiction at the time of the peace officer's employment or |
contract with the zone. |
Sec. 345.154. CONTRACTING. (a) Notwithstanding any other |
law, when acting on behalf of the zone, the board may contract with |
any entity, including a state agency, a municipality, a county, |
another political subdivision of the state, an individual, or a |
private corporation, to carry out the zone's purpose under this |
chapter. |
(b) A municipality, county, or other political subdivision |
of the state may not prohibit an individual who is employed as a |
peace officer by the municipality, county, or political subdivision |
from contracting with the board to provide law enforcement and |
public safety services in the zone. |
(c) A municipality, county, or other political subdivision |
of the state may not retaliate or discriminate against an |
individual who is employed as a peace officer by the municipality, |
county, or political subdivision and who has contracted with the |
board to provide law enforcement and public safety services in the |
zone. |
Sec. 345.155. ZONE FUNDS. In order to pay for zone |
operations, including the costs of law enforcement activities and |
public safety services provided in the zone, the board shall have |
access to the taxes set aside by the comptroller in a special fund |
as directed by the governor's declaration in Section 345.051(b)(4). |
Sec. 345.156. DONATIONS, GIFTS, AND GRANTS. On behalf of |
the zone, the board may accept donations, gifts, and grants to carry |
out the zone's purpose under this chapter. |
Sec. 345.157. NO EMINENT DOMAIN POWER. A zone may not |
exercise the power of eminent domain. |
Sec. 345.201. DISSOLUTION OF ZONE. (a) Beginning on the |
date on which the criminal justice division of the governor's |
office issues a written determination in accordance with Section |
140.013(b) finding that the municipality in which a zone is located |
has reversed the reductions described by Section 140.013(a)(1), the |
governor by declaration may order the zone to commence the process |
of dissolution. |
(b) As soon as practicable after the governor issues a |
declaration under Subsection (a), the zone shall pay all of its |
expenses and discharge all of its outstanding debts and contractual |
obligations. |
(c) Immediately after paying all expenses and discharging |
all outstanding debts and contractual obligations under Subsection |
(b), the zone shall be dissolved and shall notify the comptroller of |
its dissolution. Upon receiving this notification, the comptroller |
shall close the zone's special fund and transfer any remaining |
balance to the municipality in which the zone was located. |
SECTION 2. Chapter 140, Local Government Code, is amended |
by adding Section 140.013 to read as follows: |
Sec. 140.013. DEFUNDING LOCAL GOVERNMENT. (a) A defunding |
local government is a municipality or county: |
(1) that adopts a budget for a fiscal year that, in |
comparison to the local government's preceding fiscal year, |
reduces: |
(A) the appropriation to the local government's |
law enforcement agency; |
(B) the number of peace officers the local |
government's law enforcement agency is authorized to employ; |
(C) funding for peace officer overtime |
compensation for the local government's law enforcement agency; or |
(D) funding for the recruitment and training of |
new peace officers to fill each vacant peace officer position in the |
local government's law enforcement agency; and |
(2) for which the criminal justice division of the |
governor's office issues a written determination finding that the |
local government has taken an action described by Subdivision (1). |
(a-1) In making a determination of whether a local |
government is a defunding local government according to the budget |
adopted for the first fiscal year beginning on or after September 1, |
2021, the criminal justice division of the governor's office shall |
compare the funding and personnel in that budget to the funding and |
personnel in the budget of the preceding fiscal year or the second |
preceding fiscal year, whichever is greater. This subsection |
expires September 1, 2023. |
(b) A local government is considered to be a defunding local |
government until the criminal justice division of the governor's |
office issues a written determination finding that the local |
government has reversed the reductions, adjusted for inflation, |
described in Subsection (a)(1). |
(c) The criminal justice division of the governor's office |
shall: |
(1) compute the inflation rate used to make |
determinations under Subsection (b) each state fiscal year using a |
price index that accurately reports changes in the purchasing power |
of the dollar for local governments in this state; and |
(2) publish the inflation rate in the Texas Register. |
SECTION 3. Section 140.013, Local Government Code, as added |
by this Act, applies only to the adoption of a budget by a |
municipality or county for a fiscal year that begins on or after the |
effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2021. |