87R7758 JG-F
  By: Rosenthal H.B. No. 2024
  relating to a change of name and sex for certain persons and the
  issuance of associated birth records and documentation;
  authorizing a fee.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 192, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter C to read as follows:
  CERTIFICATE. (a) Subject to the eligibility requirements under
  Section 192.052, an eligible person born in this state may apply for
  the issuance of a new birth certificate to reflect and incorporate
  into the new birth certificate a change to the person's name and sex
  or only to the person's sex by providing to the state registrar:
               (1)  a signed statement from a physician on the
  letterhead of the physician's official stationery that includes:
                     (A)  the physician's contact information,
  including full name, work address, telephone number, and e-mail
                     (B)  the physician's medical license number and
  the state or other jurisdiction of licensure;
                     (C)  a statement that the physician has treated
  the applicant or has reviewed and evaluated the applicant's medical
                     (D)  a statement that the applicant received or is
  in the process of receiving appropriate medical treatments or
  procedures to transition from the applicant's sex as assigned at
  birth; and
                     (E)  a statement based on the physician's
  professional medical judgment that it is in the applicant's best
  interests to transition from the applicant's sex as assigned at
               (2)  a completed application on the form prescribed by
  department rule under Subsection (b);
               (3)  for an applicant who is a minor and subject to the
  continuing exclusive jurisdiction of a court under Chapter 155,
  Family Code, a copy of the court order regarding the applicant; and
               (4)  an application fee described by Subsection (c),
  unless the application fee is waived under that subsection due to
  the applicant's inability to pay.
         (b)  The executive commissioner by rule shall prescribe an
  application form for a person to apply for the issuance of a new
  birth certificate under this section. The form must:
               (1)  plainly state the eligibility requirements to
  apply for a new birth certificate;
               (2)  include a statement to be signed by the applicant
  or, if the applicant is a minor, the parent, guardian, or managing
  conservator of the applicant that, to the best of the signor's
  knowledge, the applicant is eligible to apply for the new birth
  certificate; and
               (3)  for an applicant who is 16 years of age or younger
  and who is not otherwise emancipated by marriage or court order,
  include a space to be signed by the applicant's parent, guardian, or
  managing conservator consenting to the issuance of the new birth
         (c)  The executive commissioner by rule shall set an
  application fee for an application filed under this section. The
  rules must:
               (1)  set the amount of fee in the amount reasonable and
  necessary for the department to administer this subchapter; and
               (2)  allow for a person to request a waiver from the fee
  if the person, as determined by department rules, is unable to pay
  the fee.
  OR SEX. (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Criminal history record information" has the
  meaning assigned by Section 411.082, Government Code.
               (2)  "Local law enforcement authority" has the meaning
  assigned by Article 62.001, Code of Criminal Procedure.
         (b)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, a person
  is ineligible to apply for the issuance of a new birth certificate
  under Section 192.051 if the person:
               (1)  has been finally convicted of a felony offense;
               (2)  received community supervision, including
  deferred adjudication, for a felony offense;
               (3)  is subject to deferred disposition of a felony
  offense; or
               (4)  is subject to the registration requirements of
  Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure.
         (c)  A person described by Subsection (b)(1), (b)(2), or
  (b)(3) is eligible to apply for the issuance of a new birth
  certificate under Section 192.051 only if the person provides to
  the state registrar, in addition to the items required by Section
  192.051(a), proof that the person has notified the appropriate
  local law enforcement authority of the proposed change to the
  person's name and sex or only to the person's sex, as applicable,
  and the person:
               (1)  for the felony offense for which the person is
  ineligible under Subsection (b)(1), (b)(2), or (b)(3), as
  applicable, has:
                     (A)  been pardoned and had the record of the
  offense expunged from the person's record; or
                     (B)  received a certificate of discharge by the
  Texas Department of Criminal Justice or completed a period of
  community supervision or juvenile probation ordered by a court and
  at least two years have elapsed from the date the discharge was
  received or community supervision or juvenile probation was
  completed; or
               (2)  is seeking to change the person's name or sex to
  the primary name or sex used in the person's criminal history record
         (d)  A person described by Subsection (b)(4) is eligible to
  apply for the issuance of a new birth certificate only if the
               (1)  provides to the state registrar, in addition to
  the items required by Section 192.051(a), proof that the person has
  notified the appropriate local law enforcement authority of the
  proposed change to the person's name and sex or only to the person's
  sex, as applicable; and
               (2)  is seeking to change the person's name or sex to
  the primary name or sex used in the person's criminal history record
  information and as it appears on the person's registration under
  Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure.
         (e)  For each person described by this section to whom the
  state registrar issues a new birth certificate, the state registrar
  shall provide to the applicable local law enforcement authority a
  copy of the new birth certificate and accompanying certificate of
  change issued under Section 192.053.
  SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION. (a) As soon as practicable after
  receiving a complete application for a new birth certificate under
  Section 192.051, the state registrar shall issue to the applicant a
  new birth certificate that incorporates the changed name and sex or
  only the changed sex, as applicable. The new birth certificate may
  not include the applicant's name or sex from a prior birth
  certificate that is inaccurate for the new birth certificate.
         (b)  The state registrar shall issue with the new birth
  certificate a separate certificate of change document that
               (1)  the name and sex of the person before the new birth
  certificate is issued;
               (2)  the name and sex of the person after the new birth
  certificate is issued;
               (3)  each of the person's federal and state
  identification numbers, including the person's driver's license
  number, passport number, and military identification number, as
  applicable; and
               (4)  the signature of the state registrar.
         (c)  The state registrar shall:
               (1)  arrange, bind, and permanently preserve in a
  systematic manner a new birth certificate and accompanying
  certificate of change issued to a person under this section and the
  application and supporting documentation submitted for the new
  birth certificate; and
               (2)  ensure that a copy of the new birth certificate and
  accompanying certificate of change issued under this section is
  maintained in the central record file described by Chapter 108,
  Family Code.
         (d)  Subject to department rules controlling the
  accessibility of vital records, the state registrar shall supply to
  a properly qualified applicant, on request, a certified copy of the
  new birth certificate and accompanying certificate of change issued
  to a person under this section.
  person's change of name or sex under this subchapter does not
  release the person from any liability incurred or defeat any right
  the person had under the person's previous name or sex.
  ISSUED UNDER SUBCHAPTER. (a) A copy of a new birth certificate and
  accompanying certificate of change issued to a person under Section
  192.053 that is certified by the state registrar is prima facie
  evidence of the facts stated in the record and constitutes
  sufficient proof for:
               (1)  the person to correct or amend the person's name or
  sex on any government-issued identification to reflect the person's
  changed name or sex, including the name or sex on the person's:
                     (A)  driver's license;
                     (B)  voter registration card; and
                     (C)  state-issued professional license; and
               (2)  the person's name or sex for each state and local
  governmental entity in this state, including a school or
         (b)  A person who is issued a new birth certificate and
  accompanying certificate of change under Section 192.053 may manage
  the property owned by the person before issuance of those documents
  using either the person's prior name or sex, as it may appear on any
  title or other ownership record associated with the property, or
  the person's changed name or sex under the new birth certificate.
  ORDERED NAME OR SEX CHANGE UNAFFECTED. Nothing in this subchapter
  shall be construed to restrict a person's ability to seek from a
  court of competent jurisdiction, or to limit the authority of that
  court under other law to issue, an order changing the person's name
  or sex.
         Sec. 192.057.  RULES. The executive commissioner shall
  adopt rules and procedures to implement and administer this
  subchapter, including rules and procedures to:
               (1)  establish for both adults and minors applying for
  a new birth certificate the same requirements for the physician's
  statement under Section 192.051(a)(1);
               (2)  ensure a person applying for a new birth
  certificate is not required to include in the application a court
  order authorizing a change to the person's name or sex;
               (3)  prescribe the appropriate forms and processes for
  a person seeking a waiver from the application fee required under
  Section 192.051(c), as provided by that section; and
               (4)  prescribe the form of a certificate of change
  issued with a new birth certificate under Section 192.053.
         SECTION 2.  The heading to Section 191.028, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 3.  Section 191.028(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A record of a birth, death, or fetal death accepted by a
  local registrar for registration may not be changed except as
  provided by Subsection (b) or Subchapter C, Chapter 192.
         SECTION 4.  The heading to Section 192.011, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 5.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission shall adopt rules necessary to implement
  Subchapter C, Chapter 192, Health and Safety Code, as added by this
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.