87R6474 BRG-D
  By: Paul H.B. No. 2265
  relating to the hours for voting during the early voting period.
         SECTION 1.  Section 85.005, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 85.005.  REGULAR DAYS AND HOURS FOR VOTING. (a) Except
  as provided by Subsection (c), in an election in which a county
  clerk or city secretary is the early voting clerk under Section
  83.002 or 83.005, early voting by personal appearance at the main
  early voting polling place shall be conducted on the weekdays of the
  early voting period and during the hours that the county clerk's or
  city secretary's main business office is regularly open for
  business, except that voting may not be conducted earlier than 7
  a.m. or later than 7 p.m.[.]
         (b)  In an election to which Subsection (a) does not apply,
  early voting by personal appearance at the main early voting
  polling place shall be conducted at least eight hours each weekday
  of the early voting period that is not a legal state holiday unless
  the territory covered by the election has fewer than 1,000
  registered voters. In that case, the voting shall be conducted at
  least three hours each day. The authority ordering the election, or
  the county clerk if that person is the early voting clerk, shall
  determine which hours the voting is to be conducted except that
  voting may not be conducted earlier than 7 a.m. or later than 7
         (c)  In a county with a population of 100,000 or more, the
  voting in a primary election or the general election for state and
  county officers shall be conducted at the main early voting polling
  place for [at least] 12 hours on each weekday of the last week of the
  early voting period, and the voting in a special election ordered by
  the governor shall be conducted at the main early voting polling
  place for [at least] 12 hours on each of the last two days of the
  early voting period. Voting shall be conducted in accordance with
  this subsection in those elections in a county with a population
  under 100,000 on receipt by the early voting clerk of a written
  request for the extended hours submitted by at least 15 registered
  voters of the county. The request must be submitted in time to
  enable compliance with Section 85.067.
         (d)  In an election ordered by a city, early voting by
  personal appearance at the main early voting polling place shall be
  conducted for [at least] 12 hours:
               (1)  on one weekday, if the early voting period
  consists of less than six weekdays; or
               (2)  on two weekdays, if the early voting period
  consists of six or more weekdays.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 85.006(c) and (e), Election Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (c)  The authority ordering voting on a Saturday or Sunday
  shall determine the hours during which voting is to be conducted
  except that voting may not be conducted earlier than 7 a.m. or later
  than 7 p.m.[.]
         (e)  In a primary election or the general election for state
  and county officers in a county with a population of 100,000 or
  more, the early voting clerk shall order personal appearance voting
  at the main early voting polling place to be conducted for [at
  least] 12 hours on the last Saturday and for at least five hours on
  the last Sunday of the early voting period. The early voting clerk
  shall order voting to be conducted at those times in those elections
  in a county with a population under 100,000 on receipt of a written
  request for those hours submitted by at least 15 registered voters
  of the county. The request must be submitted in time to enable
  compliance with Section 85.007. This subsection supersedes any
  provision of this subchapter to the extent of any conflict.
         SECTION 3.  Section 85.010(c), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  A shared polling place established under Subsection (b)
  that is designated as a main early voting polling place by any
  political subdivision:
               (1)  must be open for voting for all political
  subdivisions the polling place serves for at least the days and
  hours required of a main early voting polling place under Section
  85.002 for the political subdivision making the designation; and
               (2)  may not be open for voting earlier than 7 a.m. or
  later than 7 p.m.[.]
         SECTION 4.  Section 85.064, Election Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  Early voting by personal appearance at a temporary
  branch polling place may not be conducted earlier than 7 a.m. or
  later than 7 p.m.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.