87R5590 MTB-D
  By: Price H.B. No. 2854
  relating to the creation of a Texas film and entertainment industry
  incentive program.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 485, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter C to read as follows:
         Sec. 485.041.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "In-state construction spending" means the amount
  of money spent by a production company on the construction of a
  production facility in this state.
               (2)  "In-state spending" means the amount of money
  spent in this state by a production company during the production
  and completion of a project.
               (3)  "Production company" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 485.021.
               (4)  "Production facility" means a facility that
  produces films, television programs including reality-based
  television programs, digital interactive media, commercials, or
  educational or instructional videos.
               (5)  "Project" means a film, television program
  including a reality-based television program, digital interactive
  media, commercial, or educational or instructional video
  production. The term includes a visual effects project.
               (6)  "Underutilized and economically distressed area"
  has the meaning assigned by Section 485.021.
  INCENTIVE PROGRAM. (a) Using gifts, grants, donations, and
  appropriations made available to the office for that purpose, the
  office shall administer a grant program for production companies
               (1)  produce projects in this state; or
               (2)  construct production facilities in this state.
         (b)  The office shall develop a procedure for the submission
  of grant applications and the awarding of grants under this
  subchapter. The procedure must include:
               (1)  requirements for the submission, before project
  production or facility construction begins, of:
                     (A)  an estimate of total in-state spending or
  in-state construction spending, as applicable; and
                     (B)  the estimated number of jobs for cast and
  production crew during the production and completion of the
  project, if applicable; and
               (2)  provisions relating to the submission of other
  information considered useful and necessary by the office for an
  adequate and accurate analysis of a production company's
  qualifications for a grant under this subchapter.
         (c)  The office may accept gifts, grants, and donations for
  the purpose of implementing this subchapter.
         Sec. 485.043.  QUALIFICATION. (a)  To qualify for a
  production facility or project production grant under this
  subchapter, a production company must be a:
               (1)  limited liability company, partnership, or
  corporation formed or organized under the laws of this state; or
               (2)  joint venture or other legal entity in which at
  least one entity that holds at least a 30 percent ownership interest
  is a limited liability company, partnership, or corporation formed
  or organized under the laws of this state.
         (b)  To qualify for a production facility grant under this
  subchapter, a production company must:
               (1)  have spent a minimum of $2.5 million in
  constructing a production facility in this state;
               (2)  employ at least 15 full-time employees who are
  residents of this state; and
               (3)  show that at least 80 percent of all services used
  in the design and construction of the production facility are
  provided by businesses that have their principal place of business
  in this state.
         (c)  To qualify for a project production grant under this
  subchapter, a production company must meet the qualifications for a
  grant under Subchapter B as provided by Section 485.023.
         Sec. 485.044.  GRANT. (a)  The amount of a production
  facility grant under this subchapter is determined as follows:
               (1)  if the production company spent at least $2.5
  million but less than $5 million on the facility, the amount of the
  grant is equal to 10 percent of in-state construction spending on
  the facility;
               (2)  if the production company spent at least $5
  million but less than $10 million on the facility, the amount of the
  grant is equal to 20 percent of in-state construction spending on
  the facility; or
               (3)  if the production company spent at least $10
  million on the facility, the amount of the grant is equal to 25
  percent of in-state construction spending on the facility.
         (b)  The amount of a project production grant under this
  subchapter is determined as follows:
               (1)  for a film or television program project the
  amount of the grant is equal to:
                     (A)  10 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $250,000 but less
  than $1 million on the project;
                     (B)  20 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $1 million but less
  than $3.5 million on the project; or
                     (C)  30 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $3.5 million on the
               (2)  for a digital interactive media project the amount
  of the grant is equal to:
                     (A)  10 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $100,000 but less
  than $1 million on the project;
                     (B)  20 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $1 million but less
  than $3.5 million on the project; or
                     (C)  30 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $3.5 million on the
               (3)  notwithstanding Subdivision (1), for a
  reality-based television program project the amount of the grant is
  equal to:
                     (A)  10 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $250,000 but less
  than $1 million on the project; or
                     (B)  20 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $1 million on the
  project; and
               (4)  for a commercial, educational or instructional
  video, or visual effects project the amount of the grant is equal
                     (A)  10 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $100,000 but less
  than $1 million on the project; or
                     (B)  20 percent of in-state spending on the
  project if the production company spent at least $1 million on the
  ECONOMICALLY DISTRESSED AREAS. (a)  In addition to a grant
  calculated under Section 485.044(a), a production company that
  constructs a production facility in an underutilized and
  economically distressed area is eligible for an additional grant in
  an amount equal to five percent of the total amount of the
  production company's in-state construction spending for the
         (b)  In addition to a grant calculated under Section
  485.044(b), a production company that produces a project in an
  underutilized and economically distressed area is eligible for an
  additional grant in an amount equal to five percent of the total
  amount of the production company's in-state spending for the
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.