87R16368 EAS-D
  By: Buckley, Guillen H.B. No. 2922
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2922:
  By:  White C.S.H.B. No. 2922
  relating to the creation of a statewide alert system for certain
  adolescents in danger.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 411, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter S to read as follows:
         Sec. 411.551.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Adolescent in danger" means an individual 16
  years of age or younger who is reported or suspected to be with a
  registered sex offender.
               (2)  "Alert" means the statewide alert for an
  adolescent in danger that is developed and implemented under this
               (3)  "Bodily injury" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 1.07, Penal Code.
               (4)  "Local law enforcement agency" means a local law
  enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the investigation of an
  adolescent in danger.
               (5)  "Registered sex offender" means an individual who
  is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62, Code of
  Criminal Procedure.
         Sec. 411.552.  ALERT FOR ADOLESCENTS IN DANGER. With the
  cooperation of the Texas Department of Transportation, the office
  of the governor, and other appropriate law enforcement agencies in
  this state, the department shall develop and implement a system to
  allow a statewide alert to be activated on behalf of an adolescent
  in danger.
         Sec. 411.553.  ADMINISTRATION. (a) The director is the
  statewide coordinator of the alert system.
         (b)  The director shall adopt rules and issue directives as
  necessary to ensure proper implementation of the alert system.  The
  rules and directives must include:
               (1)  the procedures to be used by a local law
  enforcement agency to verify whether an adolescent is reported or
  suspected to be with a registered sex offender and whether
  circumstances indicate that the adolescent is in imminent danger of
  suffering bodily injury or becoming a victim of an offense
  described by Article 62.001(5), Code of Criminal Procedure;
               (2)  a description of the circumstances under which a
  local law enforcement agency may report an adolescent in danger to
  the department; and
               (3)  the procedures to be used by an individual or
  entity to report information about an adolescent in danger to
  designated media outlets in this state.
         (c)  The director shall prescribe forms for use by local law
  enforcement agencies in requesting activation of the alert system.
  department shall recruit public and commercial television and radio
  broadcasters, private commercial entities, state or local
  governmental entities, the public, and other appropriate persons to
  assist in developing and implementing the alert system.
         Sec. 411.555.  STATE AGENCIES. (a) A state agency
  participating in the alert system shall:
               (1)  cooperate with the department and assist in
  developing and implementing the alert system; and
               (2)  establish a plan for providing relevant
  information to its officers, investigators, or employees, as
  appropriate, once the alert system has been activated.
         (b)  In addition to its duties as a state agency under
  Subsection (a), the Texas Department of Transportation shall
  establish a plan for providing relevant information to the public
  through an existing system of dynamic message signs located across
  the state.
  DANGER. (a)  A local law enforcement agency may notify the
  department regarding an adolescent in danger if:
               (1)  the local law enforcement agency believes that an
  adolescent is in danger and circumstances indicate that:
                     (A)  the adolescent is 16 years of age or younger;
                     (B)  the adolescent is reported or suspected to be
  with a registered sex offender, including a registered sex offender
  related to the child by any degree of consanguinity or affinity as
  defined under Subchapter B, Chapter 573; and
                     (C)  regardless of whether the adolescent
  departed willingly with the registered sex offender, if the
  registered sex offender described by Paragraph (B) is not the
  adolescent's parent or guardian, the adolescent has been taken from
  the care and custody of the adolescent's parent or legal guardian:
                           (i)  without the permission of the
  adolescent's parent or guardian; or
                           (ii)  if the adolescent's parent or guardian
  is a registered sex offender, with or without the parent's or
  guardian's permission;
               (2)  the local law enforcement agency believes that the
  adolescent is in immediate danger of suffering bodily injury or
  becoming the victim of an offense under Article 62.001(5), Code of
  Criminal Procedure; and
               (3)  sufficient information is available to
  disseminate to the public that could assist in locating the
  adolescent in danger, a registered sex offender suspected of being
  with the adolescent in danger, or a vehicle suspected of being used
  by the registered sex offender or the adolescent in danger.
         (b)  In determining whether to notify the department, the
  local law enforcement agency shall consider all factors relevant to
  the safety of the adolescent in danger, including:
               (1)  whether the registered sex offender has previously
  committed criminal acts of violence; and
               (2)  whether the registered sex offender is more than
  three years older than the adolescent in danger.
         (c)  The department may modify the criteria described by
  Subsection (a) as necessary for the proper implementation of the
  alert system.
         Sec. 411.557.  ACTIVATION OF ALERT. (a) When a local law
  enforcement agency notifies the department under Section 411.556,
  the department shall confirm the accuracy of the information and,
  if confirmed, immediately issue an alert under this subchapter in
  accordance with the department's rules and directives under Section
         (b)  The department may issue the alert on its own
  initiative, without receiving the notification described by
  Subsection (a), if the issuance conforms to the department's rules
  and directives and if the criteria described by Section 411.556(a)
  are satisfied.
         (c)  In issuing the alert, the department shall send the
  alert to designated media outlets in this state.  Following receipt
  of the alert, participating radio stations and television stations
  and other participating media outlets may issue the alert at
  designated intervals to assist in locating the adolescent in
         (d)  The department shall also send the alert to:
               (1)  any appropriate law enforcement agency;
               (2)  the Texas Department of Transportation;
               (3)  the Texas Lottery Commission; and
               (4)  the Independent Bankers Association of Texas.
         Sec. 411.558.  CONTENT OF ALERT. The alert must include:
               (1)  all appropriate information that may lead to the
  safe recovery of the adolescent in danger, as determined by the
  department; and
               (2)  a statement instructing any person with
  information related to the adolescent in danger to contact a local
  or state law enforcement agency.
         Sec. 411.559.  TERMINATION OF ALERT. (a) The director shall
  terminate any activation of the alert with respect to a particular
  adolescent in danger not later than the earlier of the date on
               (1)  the adolescent in danger is located or the
  situation is otherwise resolved; or
               (2)  the notification period ends, as determined by
  department rule.
         (b)  A local law enforcement agency that locates an
  adolescent in danger who is the subject of an alert under this
  subchapter shall notify the department as soon as possible that the
  adolescent in danger has been located.
  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Notwithstanding Section 411.555(b),
  the Texas Department of Transportation is not required to use any
  existing system of dynamic message signs in a statewide alert
  system created under this subchapter if the department receives
  notice from the United States Department of Transportation Federal
  Highway Administration that the use of the signs would result in the
  loss of federal highway funding or other punitive actions taken
  against this state due to noncompliance with federal laws,
  regulations, or policies.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.