87R1556 SLB-D
  By: Metcalf H.B. No. 3116
  relating to recommendations for the appointment of directors of the
  San Jacinto River Authority.
         SECTION 1.  Section 6, Chapter 426, Acts of the 45th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1937, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 6.  (a) The management and control of all the affairs of
  said District shall be vested in, and the powers, rights,
  privileges, and functions of the District shall be exercised by a
  Board of Directors consisting of six (6) members, all of whom shall
  be freehold property taxpayers and legal voters of the State of
  Texas and four (4) of whom shall be residents of a county wholly
  encompassed by the District. Members of such Board of Directors
  shall be appointed by the Governor for terms of six (6) years.
  [Provided, the present Board of six (6) directors of said District,
  appointed by the State Board of Water Engineers under authority of
  House Bill No. 1094, Chapter 613, Acts of the Regular Session of the
  Forty-seventh Legislature, amending Section 6 of Chapter 426, Acts
  of the Regular Session of the Forty-fifth Legislature, as amended
  by House Bill No. 828, Chapter 480, Acts of the Regular Session of
  the Forty-seventh Legislature, for terms of two (2), four (4), and
  six (6) years, shall continue to serve as such until the expiration
  of the respective terms for which they were appointed. Upon the
  expiration of the terms for which the present members of the Board
  of Directors were appointed, the successors of each and all of them
  shall be appointed by the Governor for a term of six (6) years.]
         (b)  A commissioners court of a county wholly located in the
  district may make two recommendations to the governor for the
  appointment of a person to the board of directors of the authority.
  A commissioners court of a county partially located in the district
  may make one recommendation to the governor for the appointment of a
  person to the board of directors of the authority.  The
  commissioners court of the county making a recommendation under
  this subsection must approve each recommendation by a majority
  vote.  After reviewing the recommendations, the governor may
  appoint or not appoint the person recommended by the commissioners
         (c)  The Directors shall hold office after their appointment
  and qualification until their successors shall be appointed and
  qualified. Should any vacancy occur in the Board of Directors, the
  same shall be filled in like manner by the Governor for the
  unexpired term. The Directors appointed shall, within thirty (30)
  days after their appointment, qualify by taking the official oath
  required of County Commissioners, and shall execute bond in the sum
  of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) payable to the District, the
  sufficiency of which bond shall be determined by the Governor,
  which bonds after being recorded in the official bond records of the
  county in which the District maintains its office shall be
  deposited with the depository selected and approved for the deposit
  of the funds of the District.
         (d)  The Board of Directors shall organize by electing one of
  its members President, one Vice-President, one Secretary, and one
  Treasurer. Four (4) members, including the presiding officer,
  shall constitute a quorum to transact business. The President
  shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall be the chief
  executive officer of the District. The Vice-President shall act as
  President in case of the absence or disability of the President.
  The Secretary shall act as Secretary of the Board and shall be
  charged with the duty of keeping a record of all proceedings and all
  orders of the Board. The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for
  all moneys received by the District and shall keep books and records
  of all moneys received and expended. In case of the absence or
  inability of the Secretary to act, a Secretary pro tem shall be
  selected by the Directors.
         (e)  The domicile of the District shall be in the City of
  Conroe, in the County of Montgomery, Texas, where the District
  shall maintain its principal office. The Board of Directors shall
  have authority to fix the time, place and number of meetings of such
  Board by proper resolutions, regulations and bylaws passed by said
  Board. Said Board shall cause to be kept complete and accurate
  accounts conforming to approved methods of bookkeeping. Said
  accounts and all contracts, documents, and records of the District
  shall be kept at said principal office, and same shall be open to
  public inspection at all reasonable times.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.