By: Bell of Kaufman H.B. No. 3211
  relating to civics instruction in public schools.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter J, Chapter 21, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 21.4555 to read as follows:
         Sec. 21.4555.  CIVICS ACADEMIES. (a) The commissioner
  shall develop and make available civics academies for teachers and
         (b)  The commissioner shall determine to what grade levels
  the civics academies apply. In making that determination, the
  commissioner shall include grade levels for which the State Board
  of Education makes significant revisions to the Texas essential
  knowledge and skills under Section 28.0025.
         (c)  A civics academy developed under this section must
  include training in at least:
               (1)  citizenship or civics and related social studies
  knowledge and skills as adopted by the State Board of Education;
               (2)  guided classroom discussion of current events, as
  appropriate for the grade level;
               (3)  simulations and models of governmental and
  democratic processes;
               (4)  media literacy, including instruction in
  verification of information and sources and the identification of
  propaganda, as appropriate for the grade level; and
               (5)  strategies for incorporating civics instruction
  into other subject areas.
         (d)  From funds appropriated for that purpose, a teacher who
  attends a civics academy may receive a stipend in the amount
  determined by the commissioner. A stipend received under this
  subsection is not considered in determining whether a district is
  paying the teacher the minimum monthly salary under Section 21.402.
         (e)  On request of the commissioner, regional education
  service centers shall assist the commissioner and agency with
  training and other activities relating to the development and
  operation of civics academies. The commissioner may seek
  additional assistance from other public and private providers.
         (f)  The commissioner is required to implement this section
  only if the legislature appropriates money specifically for that
  purpose. If the legislature does not appropriate money
  specifically for that purpose, the commissioner may, but is not
  required to, implement this section using other appropriations
  available for that purpose.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 28.0025 and 28.0201 to read as follows:
         Sec. 28.0025.  CIVICS CURRICULUM UPDATE. (a) In this
               (1)  "Civic attitudes" means appreciating the
  importance and responsibility of participation in civic life;
  gaining values such as commitment to the United States' system of
  government and appreciation for free speech and civil discourse;
  and developing civic self-efficiency and understanding of
  perspectives that differ from one's own.
               (2)  "Civic behaviors" means practicing civic habits,
  including voting, engaging in deliberative discussions,
  volunteering, attending public meetings, and other civic
               (3)  "Civic knowledge" means an understanding of the
  history and heritage of civic life; the structure, functions, and
  processes of civic institutions at all levels; founding-era
  documents; geography and economics that affect public policy; and
  the role of the citizen.
               (4)  "Civic skills" means the abilities necessary to
  participate as an active and responsible citizen in a republic;
  effectively engage in the civic life and civic institutions of
  one's community, state, and nation; analyze text and determine the
  reliability of sources; formulate and articulate reasoned
  positions; and actively listen and engage in civil discourse.
         (b)  To ensure the students of Texas possess sufficient
  knowledge of history to effectively engage in the civil discourse
  of the republic and fulfill the requirements of Section 28.002(h),
  the State Board of Education shall:
               (1)  for kindergarten through grade six, revise the
  essential knowledge and skills for social studies to address
  essential civic education, including civic knowledge, civic
  skills, civic attitudes, and civic behaviors, and ensure sufficient
  knowledge of history necessary to ensure proper context for the
  understanding of civic knowledge, civic skills, civic attitudes,
  and civic behaviors; and
               (2)  for grade seven through grade twelve, streamline
  the essential knowledge and skills for social studies to enhance
  civic knowledge, civic skills, civic attitudes, and civic
         (c)  The commissioner shall review prekindergarten
  guidelines and incorporate revisions, if necessary, based on the
  revisions to the essential knowledge and skills under this section.
         (d)  The State Board of Education shall adopt a recommended
  reading list for kindergarten through grade twelve of
  civics-focused texts that address the content of the social studies
  essential knowledge and skills for each grade that can be used in
  conjunction with teaching the English and Spanish language arts and
  reading standards. The texts should, at a minimum:
               (1)  build background knowledge and vocabulary in
  elementary grades; and
               (2)  provide a rich study in rhetoric, reasoning, and
  argumentation in secondary grades.
         (e)  The agency shall make the reading list in Subsection (d)
  available to every public school in the state.
         (f)  The commissioner shall review current research and
  resources and provide proposed revisions to the applicable
  essential knowledge and skills and a preliminary reading list as a
  starting point for the State Board of Education's use in executing
  its duties under Subsections (b) and (d).
         (g)  The State Board of Education shall adopt revisions under
  this section on a timeline that allows the development of academies
  under Section 21.4555 and compliance by public schools with Section
  28.0201 by the timeline established in that section.
         Sec. 28.0201.  CIVICS INSTRUCTION. (a) Each school
  district and open-enrollment charter school shall:
               (1)  integrate civics materials into its curriculum in
  non-social studies courses, as appropriate; and
               (2)  ensure that each campus with grade levels
  identified by the commissioner in Section 21.4555(b) has at least
  one teacher and either a principal or a campus instructional leader
  who has attended a civics academy developed under Section 21.4555.
         (b)  The agency shall provide assistance to school districts
  and open-enrollment charter schools in complying with the
  requirements under this section.
         (c)  Subsection (a) does not apply until school year
  2024-2025. This subsection expires September 1, 2027.
         (d)  The commissioner may delay implementation of Subsection
  (a) to a school year no later than school year 2026-2027, if the
  revision of curriculum under Section 28.0025 or the availability of
  civics academies does not occur at a pace that reasonably affords
  public schools the ability to comply with Subsection (a). This
  subsection expires September 1, 2027.
         (e)  Notwithstanding Subsections (c) and (d), the
  commissioner may delay implementation of the requirement of
  Subsection (a)(2) if, in accordance with Section 21.4555(f), civics
  academies have not been developed or sufficiently developed to
  allow school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to
  comply with that requirement.
         (f)  The commissioner may adopt rules to implement this
         SECTION 3.  Section 39.023, Education Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (c-9) to read as follows:
         (c-9)  An assessment instrument developed under Subsection
  (a) or (c) may include excerpts from texts included on the
  recommended reading list adopted under Section 28.0025(d).
         SECTION 4.  The Texas Education Agency is required to
  implement a provision of this Act only if the legislature
  appropriates money specifically for that purpose. If the
  legislature does not appropriate money specifically for that
  purpose, the agency may, but is not required to, implement a
  provision of this Act using other appropriations available for that
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2021.