relating to the provision of certain co-navigation services to |
persons who are deaf-blind. |
SECTION 1. Section 81.001, Human Resources Code, is amended |
by adding Subdivision (1) to read as follows: |
(1) "Commission" means the Health and Human Services |
Commission. |
SECTION 2. Chapter 81, Human Resources Code, is amended by |
adding Section 81.014 to read as follows: |
ARE DEAF-BLIND. (a) In this section: |
(1) "Communication mode" includes communication |
through: |
(A) auditory amplification, such as through a |
personal hearing aid or assistive listening device; |
(B) American Sign Language or Signed English by |
both tactile and visual means; and |
(C) protactile language. |
(2) "Co-navigation services" means services provided |
to a person who is deaf-blind that assist the person to physically |
access the person's environment and to make informed decisions. The |
term includes providing visual and environmental information or |
sighted guide services and assisting with communication |
accessibility by communicating in the preferred language and |
communication mode of the person who is deaf-blind. The term does |
not include performing any of the following for the person: |
(A) providing personal care services to the |
person; |
(B) completing ordinary errands for the person; |
(C) making decisions for the person; |
(D) teaching or otherwise instructing the |
person; or |
(E) interpreting for the person in a formal |
setting, including a medical, legal, or business setting. |
(3) "Co-navigator" means a person who is specially |
trained to provide co-navigation services. |
(4) "Program" means the deaf-blind co-navigation |
services program. |
(5) "Protactile language" means a method of |
communication based on touch that is used by persons who are |
deaf-blind. |
(b) The commission shall operate a statewide co-navigation |
services program through which: |
(1) co-navigation services are provided by |
co-navigators; and |
(2) the commission reimburses the co-navigators for |
the provision of the services. |
(c) The executive commissioner by rule shall establish |
reimbursement rates to be paid to a co-navigator under the program. |
The reimbursement rates must use a tiered wage scale that is based |
on the co-navigator's: |
(1) level of training in communication modes for |
persons who are deaf-blind and in sighted guide-mobility |
techniques; and |
(2) fluency and skill in communication modes and |
sighted guide-mobility for persons who are deaf-blind. |
(d) The commission shall ensure that quality co-navigation |
services are provided under the program by: |
(1) monitoring the compliance of co-navigators with |
program rules; |
(2) developing funding sources for the program that |
are in addition to state sources and will reduce reliance on the |
state sources for continuation of the program; and |
(3) providing funding and technical assistance for |
training programs for: |
(A) co-navigators under the program; and |
(B) persons who are deaf-blind to enable those |
persons to effectively use the services offered under the program. |
(e) The executive commissioner may establish an advisory |
committee to advise the commission in developing and operating the |
program, including operating the program in a manner that ensures |
the efficient use of state money. Subject to Section 2110.002, |
Government Code, the executive commissioner shall determine the |
number of members serving on the advisory committee, which must |
include persons who are deaf-blind and other stakeholders. |
(f) The executive commissioner may adopt rules necessary |
to: |
(1) operate the program in a manner that is efficient |
and maximizes the number of persons served; and |
(2) ensure that co-navigators receiving reimbursement |
under the program have adequate training to provide co-navigation |
services. |
SECTION 3. Not later than September 1, 2022: |
(1) the executive commissioner of the Health and Human |
Services Commission shall adopt rules necessary to implement |
Section 81.014, Human Resources Code, as added by this Act; and |
(2) the commission shall begin operating the program |
required by that section. |
SECTION 4. The Health and Human Services Commission is |
required to implement a provision of this Act only if the |
legislature appropriates money specifically for that purpose. If |
the legislature does not appropriate money specifically for that |
purpose, the commission may, but is not required to, implement a |
provision of this Act using other appropriations that are available |
for that purpose. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2021. |
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