87R10274 BEE-D
  By: Burrows H.B. No. 3373
  relating to the certification of live music venues by and other
  duties of the Texas Music Office.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 485, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter C to read as follows:
         Sec. 485.051.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Certification holder" means an individual or
  entity that holds a certification issued by the music office as an
  independent live music venue, operator, producer, or promoter under
  this subchapter.
               (2)  "Music office" means the Texas Music Office in the
  office of the governor.
         Sec. 485.052.  DUTIES. The music office shall:
               (1)  administer and oversee federal programs in this
  state supporting independent live music venues, operators,
  producers, or promoters, including monitoring changes to those
  programs to ensure efficient implementation;
               (2)  in accordance with Section 485.053, issue
  certifications to independent live music venues, operators,
  producers, and promoters for the purpose of administering and
  overseeing programs described by Subdivision (1); and
               (3)  ensure each certification holder maintains
  compliance with the requirements for certification under this
         Sec. 485.053.  CERTIFICATION ISSUANCE. (a) Subject to
  Subsections (b) and (c), the music office shall issue a
  certification as an independent live music venue, operator,
  producer, or promoter, for purposes of any federal program
  requiring such certification, to an individual or entity that:
               (1)  organizes, promotes, sells tickets, produces,
  manages, or hosts live concerts;
               (2)  generates at least 60 percent of the individual's
  or entity's primary business revenue from:
                     (A)  entrance fees or ticket sales and fees;
                     (B)  production reimbursements; and
                     (C)  the sale of beverages, food, and merchandise
  at events;
               (3)  has operated its primary business in this state
  for at least one year preceding certification;
               (4)  pays artists fairly in an amount that is:
                     (A)  based on:
                           (i)  a percentage of sales;
                           (ii)  a guarantee in writing or in a standard
  contract; or
                           (iii)  any other mutually beneficial formal
  agreement; and
                     (B)  not based solely on tips, unless the artist
  is participating in a legitimate fundraiser or similar charitable
  event; and
               (5)  meets at least five of the following criteria:
                     (A)  markets live music performances through
  listings in printed or electronic publications;
                     (B)  provides live music performances four or more
  nights of each week;
                     (C)  employs or contracts the services of one or
  more persons in two or more of the following positions or services:
                           (i)  sound engineer;
                           (ii)  booker;
                           (iii)  promoter;
                           (iv)  stage manager; or
                           (v)  security personnel;
                     (D)  has designated live performance and audience
                     (E)  provides technical sound and lighting,
  either in-house or through a contract with a vendor;
                     (F)  has a dedicated space for the storage of
  audio equipment or musical instruments;
                     (G)  charges for live music performances through
  ticketing or imposing an entrance fee; or
                     (H)  maintains hours of operation that coincide
  with live music performance show times.
         (b)  The music office may not issue a certification as an
  independent live music venue, operator, producer, or promoter to an
  individual or entity that:
               (1)  presents live performances of a prurient sexual
  nature, as determined by the music office; or
               (2)  derives directly or indirectly a more than de
  minimis gross revenue, as determined by the music office, through:
                     (A)  the sale of products or services of a
  prurient sexual nature; or
                     (B)  the presentation of any depictions or
  displays of a prurient sexual nature.
         (c)  The music office may not issue a certification as an
  independent live music venue, operator, producer, or promoter to an
  individual or entity unless the individual or entity:
               (1)  employs as full-time equivalents 50 or more
  employees or contractors;
               (2)  derives not less than 10 percent of the
  individual's or entity's gross revenue from federal funding; or
               (3)  is majority-owned, controlled, or operated by an
  individual or entity described by Subdivisions (1) and (2).
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.