H.B. No. 3721
  relating to the inclusion of information for reporting suspicious
  activity to the Department of Public Safety on certain human
  trafficking signs or notices.
         SECTION 1.  Section 104.07, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
  amended by adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  In addition to the notice required under Subsection
  (a), the sign must include the contact information for reporting
  suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety.
         SECTION 2.  Section 102.101(b), Business & Commerce Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The attorney general by rule shall prescribe the design,
  content, and manner of display of the sign required by this
  section.  The sign must:
               (1)  be in both English and Spanish; [and]
               (2)  include the telephone number and Internet website
  of the National Human Trafficking Resource Center; and
               (3)  include the contact information for reporting
  suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety.
         SECTION 3.  Section 125.002(f-1), Civil Practice and
  Remedies Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (f-1)  If the defendant required to execute the bond is a
  hotel, motel, or similar establishment that rents overnight lodging
  to the public and the alleged common nuisance is under Section
  125.0015(a)(6) or (7), the bond must also be conditioned that the
  defendant will, in each of the defendant's lodging units on the
  premises that are the subject of the suit, post in a conspicuous
  place near the room rate information required to be posted under
  Section 2155.001, Occupations Code, a sign that includes:
               (1)  an operating toll-free telephone number of a
  nationally recognized information and referral hotline for victims
  of human trafficking; and
               (2)  the contact information for reporting suspicious
  activity to the Department of Public Safety.
         SECTION 4.  Section 402.0351(b), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The attorney general by rule shall prescribe the design
  and content of a sign regarding services and assistance available
  to victims of human trafficking to be displayed at transportation
  hubs. The sign must be in both English and Spanish and include:
               (1)  the telephone number and Internet website of the
  National Human Trafficking Resource Center; [and]
               (2)  the contact information for reporting suspicious
  activity to the Department of Public Safety; and
               (3)  the key indicators that a person is a victim of
  human trafficking.
         SECTION 5.  Section 245.025, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  In addition to the information required under
  Subsection (a), the sign must include the contact information for
  reporting suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety.
         SECTION 6.  Section 455.207(b), Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The sign required by this section must:
               (1)  be in English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, and any
  other language required by commission rule;
               (2)  include a toll-free telephone number of a
  nationally recognized information and referral hotline for victims
  of human trafficking; [and]
               (3)  include the contact information for reporting
  suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety; and
               (4)  be displayed in a conspicuous place clearly
  visible to the public.
         SECTION 7.  Section 1602.408(c), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (c)  The sign required by this section must be in English,
  Spanish, and Vietnamese and include:
               (1)  a toll-free telephone number of a nationally
  recognized information and referral hotline for victims of human
  trafficking; and
               (2)  the contact information for reporting suspicious
  activity to the Department of Public Safety.
         SECTION 8.  Not later than December 1, 2021, the Texas
  Alcoholic Beverage Commission shall, in collaboration with the
  Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas, develop guidance
  for compliance with and notify affected license and permit holders
  of the change in law made by this Act to Section 104.07, Alcoholic
  Beverage Code.
         SECTION 9.  (a)  Not later than December 1, 2021, the
  attorney general shall, in collaboration with the Department of
  Public Safety of the State of Texas, adopt the rules necessary to
  implement the changes in law made by this Act to Section 102.101,
  Business & Commerce Code, and Section 402.0351, Government Code.
         (b)  Not later than January 1, 2022:
               (1)  a sexually oriented business shall comply with
  Section 102.101, Business & Commerce Code, as amended by this Act;
               (2)  a transportation hub shall comply with Section
  402.0351, Government Code, as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 10.  The change in law made by this Act to Section
  125.002, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, applies only to a suit
  filed on or after the effective date of this Act. A suit filed
  before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in
  effect immediately before that date, and that law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 11.  (a)  Not later than December 1, 2021, the
  executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission
  shall, in collaboration with the Department of Public Safety of the
  State of Texas, adopt the rules necessary to implement the change in
  law made by this Act to Section 245.025, Health and Safety Code.
         (b)  Not later than January 1, 2022, a hospital or abortion
  facility shall comply with Section 245.025, Health and Safety Code,
  as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 12.  (a)  Not later than December 1, 2021, the Texas
  Commission of Licensing and Regulation shall, in collaboration with
  the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas, adopt the
  rules necessary to implement the changes in law made by this Act to
  Sections 455.207 and 1602.408, Occupations Code.
         (b)  Not later than January 1, 2022:
               (1)  a massage establishment or massage school shall
  comply with Section 455.207, Occupations Code, as amended by this
  Act; and
               (2)  a licensed facility as defined by Section
  1602.408(a), Occupations Code, shall comply with Section 1602.408,
  Occupations Code, as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 13.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.B. No. 3721 was passed by the House on April
  16, 2021, by the following vote:  Yeas 145, Nays 0, 2 present, not
  Chief Clerk of the House   
         I certify that H.B. No. 3721 was passed by the Senate on May
  19, 2021, by the following vote:  Yeas 31, Nays 0.
  Secretary of the Senate    
  APPROVED:  _____________________