87R8489 KEL-D
  By: Howard H.B. No. 3734
  relating to the professional nursing programs that may receive
  grants under the professional nursing shortage reduction program.
         SECTION 1.  Section 61.9621, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 61.9621.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter,
  "professional nursing program" means an educational program that is
  offered by a public or private institution of higher education and
               (1)  prepares [for preparing] students to attain [for]
  initial licensure as registered nurses; or
               (2)  leads students, including registered nurses
  holding an associate or comparable degree, to earn a bachelor of
  science degree in nursing.
         SECTION 2.  Section 61.9622, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 61.9622.  PROGRAM. A professional nursing shortage
  reduction program is established to increase the number and types
  of registered nurses in order to meet the needs for registered
  nurses in this state. The board shall administer the professional
  nursing shortage reduction program to make grants for those
  purposes to professional nursing programs and other entities
  involved with those programs [a professional nursing program in the
  preparation of students for initial licensure as registered nurses
  in order to increase the number and types of registered nurses to
  meet the needs for registered nurses in the state].
         SECTION 3.  Section 61.9623(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A grant from the professional nursing shortage
  reduction program to a professional nursing program or other entity
  described by Section 61.9622 [involved with a professional nursing
  program in the preparation of students for initial licensure as
  registered nurses] must be:
               (1)  expended exclusively on costs related to:
                     (A)  enrolling additional students;
                     (B)  nursing faculty enhancement in accordance
  with Section 61.96231;
                     (C)  encouraging innovation in the recruitment
  and retention of students, including the recruitment and retention
  of Spanish-speaking and bilingual students; or
                     (D)  identifying, developing, or implementing
  innovative methods to make the most effective use of limited
  professional nursing program faculty, instructional or clinical
  space, and other resources, including:
                           (i)  sharing curriculum and administrative
  or instructional personnel, facilities, and responsibilities
  between two or more professional nursing programs located in the
  same region of this state; and
                           (ii)  using preceptors or part-time faculty
  to provide clinical instruction in order to address the need for
  qualified faculty to accommodate increased student enrollment in
  the professional nursing program;
               (2)  contingent on the professional nursing program's
  having been approved as a professional nursing program by the board
  or the Texas Board of Nursing, as appropriate;
               (3)  contingent on the professional nursing program's
  not being on probation with the Texas Board of Nursing or other
  accrediting body; and
               (4)  if granted to increase enrollments, contingent on
  the professional nursing program's ability to enroll additional
  students, including having the necessary classroom space and
  clinical slots.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 61.96232(a) and (b), Education Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The board by rule shall establish a process under which
  a public or private institution of higher education that offers a
  professional nursing program may apply for a grant under this
  subchapter and the commissioner of higher education, contingent on
  appropriations of money for the grants, selects one or more
  applicants to receive a grant based on criteria established by
  board rule.  The criteria must include the institution's agreement
  that the institution's professional nursing program will enroll
  additional students or graduate additional students in a program
               (1)  prepares students [prepared] for initial
  licensure as registered nurses; or
               (2)  leads students, including registered nurses
  holding an associate or comparable degree, to earn a bachelor of
  science degree in nursing.
         (b)  The process established under Subsection (a) may
  authorize the commissioner of higher education to accept a joint
  application from multiple institutions that agree to cooperate on a
  regional or joint basis for their professional nursing programs to
  enroll additional students or graduate additional students
  described by Subsection (a) [prepared for initial licensure as
  registered nurses].
         SECTION 5.  Section 61.9626(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Each institution of higher education that has a
  professional nursing program shall submit an annual report to the
  board detailing its strategy for increasing the number of students
  who [that] graduate from the program prepared to attain initial
  [for] licensure as registered nurses or who earn a bachelor of
  science degree in nursing.  The report must include:
               (1)  the capacity of the program, either alone or in
  cooperation with one or more other programs, to graduate more
  students who are prepared to attain initial [for] licensure or who
  earn a bachelor of science degree as described by this subsection
  [as registered nurses]; and
               (2)  the resources allocated to increase the number of
  students who [that] graduate from the program prepared to attain
  initial [for] licensure or who earn a bachelor of science degree as
  described by this subsection [as registered nurses].
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.