87R14159 TYPED
  By: Biedermann H.B. No. 3883
  relating to development regulations for certain unincorporated
  areas located within the Hill Country Priority Groundwater
  Management Area; authorizing a fee; authorizing a civil penalty;
  creating a criminal offense.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 231, Local Government Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter N to read as follows:
         Sec. 231.301.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Hill Country Priority Groundwater Management
  Area" means the area that the Texas Commission on Environmental
  Quality designated as the Hill Country Priority Groundwater
  Management Area under Section 35.008, Water Code, as that area
  existed on January 1, 2021.
               (2)  "Infrastructure" includes facilities for:
                     (A)  water supply, treatment, and distribution;
                     (B)  wastewater collection and treatment;
                     (C)  stormwater, drainage, and flood control; and
                     (D)  roadways.
               (3)  "Infrastructure cost recovery fee" means a fee
  imposed by a county on the owner of property undergoing new
  development to pay for or recover costs of the county for
  improvements to infrastructure necessary to serve new development.
               (4)  "New development" means an activity that increases
  the number of service units on property, including:
                     (A)  the subdivision of land; or
                     (B)  any use or extension of the use of land.
               (5)  "Service unit" means a standardized measure of
  consumption, use, generation, or discharge attributable to an
  individual unit of development calculated in accordance with
  generally accepted engineering or planning standards and based on
  historical data and trends for the preceding 10 years applicable to
  the county in which the individual unit of development is located.
  UNINCORPORATED AREA. The commissioners court of a county that has
  unincorporated area located in the Hill Country Priority
  Groundwater Management Area by order may adopt and impose in that
  unincorporated area:
               (1)  reasonable lot size restrictions;
               (2)  requirements that the supplier of water to a
  proposed subdivision be contractually obligated to provide a
  sufficient supply of water to adequately serve the residents of the
  proposed subdivision during normal and drought conditions;
               (3)  an infrastructure cost recovery fee; and
               (4)  reasonable standards for minimum lot frontages on
  all proposed and existing roads.
  REQUIRED. (a) Regulatory authority granted under Section 231.302
  is not effective until the authority is approved by a majority of
  the county residents voting in an election held under this section.
         (b)  County residents voting in an election held under this
               (1)  may approve of the entire regulatory authority
  granted under Section 231.302; or
               (2)  may approve specific regulatory authority granted
  under Section 231.302 without approving other specific regulatory
  authority granted under that section.
         (c)  The commissioners court of a county located in the Hill
  Country Priority Groundwater Management Area:
               (1)  shall order and hold an election in the county to
  approve the grant of regulatory authority if the commissioners
  court receives a petition requesting the election signed by
  registered voters of the county in a number equal to or greater than
  20 percent of the number of votes received by all candidates for
  governor in the county in the most recent gubernatorial election.
         (d)  Notwithstanding Section 277.002, Election Code:
               (1)  a petition must include each signer's zip code with
  the signer's residence address; and
               (2)  a signature is not considered valid if the date of
  signing is before the 90th day before the date the petition is filed
  with the commissioners court.
         (e)  Not later than the fifth day after the date a petition is
  received by the commissioners court, the county judge shall submit
  the petition for verification to the county clerk. The county clerk
  shall determine whether the petition meets the requirements
  prescribed by this section and Section 277.002, Election Code. Not
  later than the 30th day after the date the petition is submitted to
  the county clerk for verification, the county clerk shall certify
  in writing to the commissioners court whether the petition is
  valid. If the county clerk determines that the petition is invalid,
  the county clerk shall state the reasons for that determination.
         (f)  If the county clerk certifies that a petition is valid,
  the commissioners court shall order the election to be held on the
  first November uniform election date authorized by Section 41.001,
  Election Code, that occurs after the date the court receives the
  county clerk's certification and that provides sufficient time to
  comply with other requirements of law.
         (g)  The ballot for an election under this section shall be
  prepared to permit voting for or against the proposition:
  "Approving the authority granted to the Commissioners Court of
  (name of county) to regulate land development in (insert
  description of the area subject to regulation)." The ballot shall
  be prepared to permit voting for or against the grants of regulatory
  authority proposed in the commissioners court motion under
  Subsection (c)(1) or the petition filed with the commissioners
  court under Subsection (c)(2), as applicable.
         (h)  The approval authority granted under this section
  includes the authority to repeal, revise, or amend a previous
  decision to operate under this subchapter.
  PLANS. Development regulations must be:
               (1)  adopted in accordance with:
                     (A)  any county plan for growth and development of
  the county if a county plan has been adopted by the commissioners
  court; and
                     (B)  any desired future conditions, as that term
  is defined by Section 36.001, Water Code, developed by groundwater
  conservation districts located in the county; and
               (2)  coordinated with:
                     (A)  the comprehensive plans of municipalities
  located in the county; and
                     (B)  the comprehensive plans of groundwater
  conservation districts located in the county.
  REGULATIONS. (a) A development regulation adopted under this
  subchapter is not effective until the regulation is adopted by the
  commissioners court of the county after a public hearing. Before
  the 15th day before the date of the hearing, the commissioners court
  must publish notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general
  circulation in the county.
         (b)  The commissioners court may establish or amend a
  development regulation only by an order passed by a majority vote of
  the full membership of the court.
         Sec. 231.306.  DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION. (a) The
  commissioners court of a county authorized under this subchapter to
  impose development regulations may appoint a development
  commission to assist in the implementation and enforcement of the
         (b)  The development commission must consist of:
               (1)  an ex officio chair who must be a public official,
  other than a county commissioner, in the county; and
               (2)  four additional members who are all residents of
  the county.
         (c)  The development commission is advisory only and may
  recommend appropriate development regulations for the county.
         (d)  The members of the development commission are subject to
  the same requirements relating to conflicts of interest that are
  applicable to the commissioners court under Chapter 171.
         Sec. 231.307.  SPECIAL EXCEPTION. (a) A person aggrieved by
  a development regulation adopted under this subchapter may petition
  the commissioners court of the county that adopted the regulation
  or the development commission, if the commissioners court has
  established a development commission, for a special exception to
  the development regulation.
         (b)  The commissioners court of each county that exercises
  the authority granted by this subchapter shall adopt procedures
  governing applications, notice, hearings, and other matters
  relating to the grant of a special exception.
  SUBDIVISIONS. The commissioners court of a county authorized under
  this subchapter to impose development regulations:
               (1)  may enter into agreements with any municipality
  located in the county to assist in the implementation and
  enforcement of the regulations; and
               (2)  shall enter into agreements with any groundwater
  conservation district located in the county to assist in the
  implementation and enforcement of the regulations.
  size restrictions authorized under this subchapter that apply in
  subdivisions served by a public water supply system that uses water
  from the Trinity Aquifer must be adopted and imposed in accordance
  with any desired future conditions adopted under Chapter 36, Water
  Code, by a groundwater conservation district in which the
  subdivision is wholly or partly located.
         Sec. 231.310.  INFRASTRUCTURE COST RECOVERY FEE. (a) The
  commissioners court of a county may be authorized under this
  subchapter to impose an infrastructure cost recovery fee to provide
  necessary infrastructure to serve new development in the
  unincorporated area of the county only as provided by this section
  and Sections 231.311 and 231.312.
         (b)  A county may impose an infrastructure cost recovery fee
  under this section only to pay for or recover the costs of
  constructing, acquiring, or expanding infrastructure necessary to
  serve new development. The fee may not be:
               (1)  applied to infrastructure improvements that do not
  serve the new development or to which the new development does not
  have access; or
               (2)  imposed to pay for:
                     (A)  repairing, operating, or maintaining
  existing or new infrastructure improvements, including
  infrastructure improvements that were constructed, acquired, or
  expanded as necessary to serve new development; or
                     (B)  upgrading, replacing, or expanding existing
  development to meet stricter safety, efficiency, environmental, or
  regulatory standards.
         (c)  Before a county may impose an infrastructure cost
  recovery fee to recover costs of roadway improvements, the county
  must prepare an infrastructure development plan. The plan must
  include a road traffic study conducted by a qualified engineer. The
  county may not impose the fee to recover costs of roadway
  improvements unless the road traffic study projects a minimum of a
  25 percent increase in road traffic attributable to the new
         (d)  Any interest earned on an infrastructure cost recovery
  fee is considered part of the fee and is subject to the same
  restrictions under this section.
         (e)  A county may assess an infrastructure cost recovery fee
  before or at the time a subdivision plat is recorded. The fee may be
  collected at the time the county issues a building permit or a
  certificate of occupancy, unless the county and the owner of the
  development enter into an agreed payment plan.
         (f)  A county may reduce or waive the assessment of an
  infrastructure cost recovery fee if the new development qualifies
  as affordable housing under 42 U.S.C. Section 12745.
         (g)  After an infrastructure cost recovery fee has been
  assessed, the fee may not be increased unless additional service
  units are added. If additional service units are added, the fee may
  be assessed only at a rate that reflects the cost per service unit
  of the total fee originally imposed.
         (h)  The infrastructure improvement for which an
  infrastructure cost recovery fee is imposed must be completed not
  later than the first anniversary of the date the fee is paid. The
  time prescribed for completion may be extended by a majority vote of
  the commissioners court if the commissioners court makes a finding
  that the infrastructure improvement is exceptionally complicated
  or intensive and reasonably requires additional time. An extension
  granted under this subsection may not exceed the second anniversary
  of the date the fee is paid. Any portion of the fee that remains
  after the time prescribed expires shall be refunded to the owner of
  the development. To the extent an agreement between the owner of
  new development and the county conflicts with this subsection, the
  agreement prevails.
  RECOVERY FEES. (a) On or before the date of publication of notice
  of a public hearing under Section 231.305 to consider the
  imposition of an infrastructure cost recovery fee, the
  commissioners court shall make available to the public a
  description of any proposed infrastructure improvements and a
  description of the proposed fee.
         (b)  On or before the 30th day before the date of the hearing,
  the commissioners court shall:
               (1)  publish notice of the hearing in at least one
  newspaper of general circulation in the county; and
               (2)  send written notice by certified mail to the owner
  of new development for which a fee is proposed.
         (c)  The notice under Subsection (b)(1) shall include:
               (1)  a relevant heading;
               (2)  the time, date, and location for the hearing;
               (3)  a statement that the hearing is open to public
  comment; and
               (4)  a general statement of the subject matter of the
         (d)  Not later than the 30th day after the date of the public
  hearing, the commissioners court by order shall adopt or reject the
  proposed assessment of the fee. An order approving the assessment
  of the fee may not be adopted as an emergency measure.
  PENALTY. (a) The commissioners court of a county that imposes an
  infrastructure improvement cost recovery fee under this subchapter
  shall submit a written certification verifying compliance with this
  subchapter to the attorney general each year not later than the last
  day of the county's fiscal year. The certification must be signed
  by the county judge.
         (b)  A county that fails to submit a certification for a
  fiscal year as required by this section is liable to the state for a
  civil penalty in an amount equal to 10 percent of the amount of the
  fees assessed in that fiscal year. A penalty collected under this
  subsection shall be deposited to the credit of the housing trust
         Sec. 231.313.  ENFORCEMENT; CRIMINAL OFFENSE. (a) The
  commissioners court of a county authorized under this subchapter to
  impose development regulations may adopt orders to enforce those
         (b)  A person commits an offense if the person violates an
  order or development regulation adopted under this subchapter. An
  offense under this subsection is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine
  of not less than $500 or more than $1,000. Each day that a violation
  occurs constitutes a separate offense.
         Sec. 231.314.  CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAWS. If a development
  regulation adopted under this subchapter imposes higher standards
  than those required under another statute or local order or
  regulation, the regulation adopted under this subchapter controls
  in the area subject to regulation. If the other statute or local
  order or regulation imposes higher standards, that statute, order,
  or regulation controls.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.