By: Burns H.B. No. 4296
  relating to the use of dyed diesel during a state of disaster.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.236 to read as follows:
         Section 162.236.  USE OF DYED FUEL IN A DISASTER AREA. (a)
  Notwithstanding any other law, a person may use taxable motor fuel
  that contains dye in the fuel supply tank in an area subject to a
  declaration of a state of disaster under Section 418.014,
  Government Code, or a local state of disaster under Section
  418.108, Government Code.
         (b)  The Texas Division of Emergency Management shall
  approve the use of dyed fuel in an area subject to a disaster
         SECTION 2.  Section 162.403, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 162.403.  CRIMINAL OFFENSES. Except as provided by
  Section 162.404, a person commits an offense if the person:
               (1)  refuses to stop and permit the inspection and
  examination of a motor vehicle transporting or using motor fuel on
  the demand of a peace officer or the comptroller;
               (2)  is required to hold a valid trip permit or
  interstate trucker's license, but operates a motor vehicle in this
  state without a valid trip permit or interstate trucker's license;
               (3)  transports gasoline or diesel fuel in any cargo
  tank that has a connection by pipe, tube, valve, or otherwise with
  the fuel injector or carburetor or with the fuel supply tank feeding
  the fuel injector or carburetor of the motor vehicle transporting
  the product;
               (4)  sells or delivers gasoline or diesel fuel from a
  fuel supply tank that is connected with the fuel injector or
  carburetor of a motor vehicle;
               (5)  owns or operates a motor vehicle for which reports
  or mileage records are required by this chapter without an
  operating odometer or other device in good working condition to
  record accurately the miles traveled;
               (6)  sells or delivers dyed diesel fuel for the
  operation of a motor vehicle on a public highway;
               (7)  uses dyed diesel fuel for the operation of a motor
  vehicle on a public highway except as allowed under Sections
  [Section] 162.235 or 162.236;
               (8)  refuses to permit the comptroller or the attorney
  general to inspect, examine, or audit a book or record required to
  be kept by a license holder, other user, or any person required to
  hold a license under this chapter;
               (9)  refuses to permit the comptroller or the attorney
  general to inspect or examine any plant, equipment, materials, or
  premises where motor fuel is produced, processed, blended, stored,
  sold, delivered, or used;
               (10)  refuses to permit the comptroller, the attorney
  general, an employee of either of those officials, a peace officer,
  an employee of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, or an
  employee of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to
  measure or gauge the contents of or take samples from a storage tank
  or container on premises where motor fuel is produced, processed,
  blended, stored, sold, delivered, or used;
               (11)  is a license holder, a person required to be
  licensed, or another user and fails or refuses to make or deliver to
  the comptroller a report required by this chapter to be made and
  delivered to the comptroller;
               (12)  is an importer who does not obtain an import
  verification number when required by this chapter;
               (13)  purchases motor fuel for export, on which the tax
  imposed by this chapter has not been paid, and subsequently diverts
  or causes the motor fuel to be diverted to a destination in this
  state or any other state or country other than the originally
  designated state or country without first obtaining a diversion
               (14)  conceals motor fuel with the intent of engaging
  in any conduct proscribed by this chapter or refuses to make sales
  of motor fuel on the volume-corrected basis prescribed by this
               (15)  refuses, while transporting motor fuel, to stop
  the motor vehicle the person is operating when called on to do so by
  a person authorized to stop the motor vehicle;
               (16)  refuses to surrender a motor vehicle and cargo
  for impoundment after being ordered to do so by a person authorized
  to impound the motor vehicle and cargo;
               (17)  mutilates, destroys, or secretes a book or record
  required by this chapter to be kept by a license holder, other user,
  or person required to hold a license under this chapter;
               (18)  is a license holder, other user, or other person
  required to hold a license under this chapter, or the agent or
  employee of one of those persons, and makes a false entry or fails
  to make an entry in the books and records required under this
  chapter to be made by the person or fails to retain a document as
  required by this chapter;
               (19)  transports in any manner motor fuel under a false
  cargo manifest or shipping document, or transports in any manner
  motor fuel to a location without delivering at the same time a
  shipping document relating to that shipment;
               (20)  engages in a motor fuel transaction that requires
  that the person have a license under this chapter without then and
  there holding the required license;
               (21)  makes and delivers to the comptroller a report
  required under this chapter to be made and delivered to the
  comptroller, if the report contains false information;
               (22)  forges, falsifies, or alters an invoice or
  shipping document prescribed by law;
               (23)  makes any statement, knowing said statement to be
  false, in a claim for a tax refund filed with the comptroller;
               (24)  furnishes to a licensed supplier or distributor a
  signed statement for purchasing diesel fuel tax-free and then uses
  the tax-free diesel fuel to operate a diesel-powered motor vehicle
  on a public highway;
               (25)  holds an aviation fuel dealer's license and makes
  a taxable sale or use of any gasoline or diesel fuel;
               (26)  fails to remit any tax funds collected or
  required to be collected by a license holder, another user, or any
  other person required to hold a license under this chapter;
               (27)  makes a sale of dyed diesel fuel tax-free into a
  storage facility of a person who:
                     (A)  is not licensed as a distributor, as an
  aviation fuel dealer, or as a dyed diesel fuel bonded user; or
                     (B)  does not furnish to the licensed supplier or
  distributor a signed statement prescribed in Section 162.206;
               (28)  makes a sale of gasoline tax-free to any person
  who is not licensed as an aviation fuel dealer;
               (29)  purchases any motor fuel tax-free when not
  authorized to make a tax-free purchase under this chapter;
               (30)  purchases motor fuel with the intent to evade any
  tax imposed by this chapter or accepts a delivery of motor fuel by
  any means and does not at the same time accept or receive a shipping
  document relating to the delivery;
               (31)  transports motor fuel for which a cargo manifest
  or shipping document is required to be carried without possessing
  or exhibiting on demand by an officer authorized to make the demand
  a cargo manifest or shipping document containing the information
  required to be shown on the manifest or shipping document;
               (32)  imports, sells, uses, blends, distributes, or
  stores motor fuel within this state on which the taxes imposed by
  this chapter are owed but have not been first paid to or reported by
  a license holder, another user, or any other person required to hold
  a license under this chapter;
               (33)  blends products together to produce a blended
  fuel that is offered for sale, sold, or used and that expands the
  volume of the original product to evade paying applicable motor
  fuel taxes;
               (34)  evades or attempts to evade in any manner a tax
  imposed on motor fuel by this chapter;
               (35)  delivers compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle and the
  person does not hold a valid compressed natural gas and liquefied
  natural gas dealer's license; or
               (36)  makes a tax-free delivery of compressed natural
  gas or liquefied natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor
  vehicle, unless the delivery is exempt from tax under Section
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.