relating to the powers and duties of the committees and officers of |
certain political parties regarding the conduct of primary |
elections. |
SECTION 1. Section 31.091(3), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(3) "Contracting authority" means the governing body |
of a political subdivision or the county chair [executive |
committee] of a political party that enters into a contract under |
this subchapter. |
SECTION 2. Sections 31.093(c) and (e), Election Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) On request of the county chair of a political party |
holding a primary election in the county, the county election |
officer shall contract with the chair [county executive committee |
of the party] to perform election services, as provided by this |
subchapter, in the party's general primary election and runoff |
primary election in accordance with a cost schedule agreed on by the |
contracting parties. |
(e) A county election officer must offer to contract on the |
same terms with the county chair [executive committee] of each |
political party holding a primary election in the county. |
SECTION 3. Section 31.099(b), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) The county election officer shall file a copy of the |
secretary of state's approval with each copy of a contract with the |
county chair [executive committee] of a political party if the |
approval is in a separate document. |
SECTION 4. Section 32.093, Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
compensation of election judges and clerks shall be fixed by the |
following authority: |
(1) for an election ordered by the governor or a county |
authority, the commissioners court; |
(2) for an election ordered by an authority of a |
political subdivision other than a county, the political |
subdivision's governing body; and |
(3) for a primary election, the county chair |
[executive committee] of the political party holding the primary. |
SECTION 5. Section 32.094, Election Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a) and (e) and adding Subsection (f) to read |
as follows: |
(a) After each election, each presiding judge serving in the |
election shall prepare and sign[, in duplicate,] a statement |
containing the following information: |
(1) the name and address of the presiding judge and |
each clerk who served under the judge; |
(2) the number of hours that each election officer |
worked at the polling place or at another location under Section |
62.014(c), excluding time for which payment may not be made; and |
(3) the name of the election officer who delivered the |
election records, keys, and unused supplies, and, if more than one |
officer, the name of and the amount of compensation allocated to |
each officer. |
(e) The original compensation statement shall be used for |
making payment for the services. The general custodian of election |
records shall preserve an electronic copy of the statement [the |
duplicate] for the period for preserving the precinct election |
records. If the presiding judge provides [delivers] the statement |
to an authority other than the general custodian of election |
records, the authority receiving the statement shall provide |
[deliver] the statement [duplicate] to the general custodian not |
later than the third day after the date of its receipt. |
(f) The secretary of state, or a county, may develop and |
implement an electronic system for a presiding judge to submit the |
information required under this section to the appropriate |
authority. The secretary of state may prescribe rules regarding |
the development and implementation of a system under this |
subsection to ensure compatibility with any other system developed |
and implemented under this section. |
SECTION 6. Section 32.111(a), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The secretary of state shall: |
(1) adopt standards of training in election law and |
procedure for presiding or alternate election judges; |
(2) develop materials for a standardized curriculum |
for that training; and |
(3) distribute the materials as necessary to the |
governing bodies of political subdivisions that hold elections and |
to each county chair [executive committee] of a political party |
that holds a primary election. |
SECTION 7. Sections 32.113(a) and (b), Election Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The governing body of a political subdivision other than |
a county may, and the county chair [executive committee] of a |
political party shall, provide training for its election officers |
using the standardized training program and materials developed and |
provided by the secretary of state under Section 32.111. |
(b) A political subdivision or county chair [executive |
committee] may conduct its training independently or jointly with |
other entities. |
SECTION 8. Section 32.115, Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
request of a county chair [executive committee] or a county clerk, |
as appropriate, the secretary of state shall schedule and provide |
assistance for the training of election judges and clerks under |
Section 32.113 or 32.114. The secretary may provide similar |
training assistance to other political subdivisions. |
SECTION 9. Section 42.0051(a), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) If changes in county election precinct boundaries to |
give effect to a redistricting plan result in county election |
precincts with a number of registered voters less than 500, a |
commissioners court for a general or special election, or for a |
primary election the county chair [executive committee] of a |
political party conducting a primary election, may combine county |
election precincts notwithstanding Section 42.005 to avoid |
unreasonable expenditures for election equipment, supplies, and |
personnel. |
SECTION 10. Section 42.009, Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
The county chair [executive committee] of a political party holding |
a primary election may order two or more county election precincts |
consolidated into a single precinct if the polling place is located |
so it will adequately serve the voters of the consolidated |
precinct. |
SECTION 11. Section 43.003, Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
county chair of a political party holding a primary election shall |
designate the location of the polling place for each election |
precinct in the primary [unless the precinct is one that is |
consolidated. In that case, the county executive committee shall |
designate the location]. |
SECTION 12. Section 43.007(a), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The secretary of state shall implement a program to |
allow each commissioners court participating in the program to |
eliminate county election precinct polling places and establish |
countywide polling places for: |
(1) each general election for state and county |
officers; |
(2) each election held on the uniform election date in |
May and any resulting runoff; |
(3) each election on a proposed constitutional |
amendment; |
(4) each primary election and runoff primary election |
if: |
(A) the county chair [or county executive |
committee] of each political party participating in a joint primary |
election under Section 172.126 agrees to the use of countywide |
polling places; or |
(B) the county chair [or county executive |
committee] of each political party required to nominate candidates |
by primary election agrees to use the same countywide polling |
places; and |
(5) each election of a political subdivision located |
in the county that is held jointly with an election described by |
Subdivision (1), (2), (3), or (4). |
SECTION 13. Section 51.003, Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
otherwise provided by law, the following authority shall procure |
the election supplies necessary to conduct an election and shall |
determine the quantity of the various types of supplies to be |
provided to each precinct polling place and early voting polling |
place: |
(1) for an election ordered by the governor or a county |
authority, the county clerk, subject to the approval of the county |
election board; |
(2) for a primary election, the county chair of the |
political party holding the primary [, subject to the approval of |
the party's county executive committee]; |
(3) for an election ordered by a city authority, the |
city secretary; and |
(4) for an election ordered by an authority of a |
political subdivision other than a county or city, the secretary of |
the subdivision's governing body or, if the governing body has no |
secretary, the governing body's presiding officer. |
SECTION 14. Section 123.033, Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
FOR PRIMARY. (a) A political party's county chair [executive |
committee] that desires to use a voting system for a primary |
election must acquire the equipment necessary for operating the |
voting system as provided by this section. |
(b) The county chair [executive committee] may contract to |
lease the equipment from the county. If the equipment desired is not |
available from the county, the chair [county executive committee] |
may contract to lease it from any other source. |
(c) If the county chair [executive committee] desires to |
lease equipment owned by the county served by the chair |
[committee], the county shall lease the equipment to the chair |
[committee] under the terms agreed to by the parties, except that |
the county's duty to lease the equipment is subject to reasonable |
restrictions and conditions imposed by the commissioners court to: |
(1) ensure availability of the equipment in elections |
for which the commissioners court adopted the voting system; and |
(2) protect the equipment from misuse or damage. |
(d) A county is not required to provide a political party's |
county chair [executive committee] with equipment for use in an |
election precinct in which fewer than 100 votes were cast in the |
political party's most recent general or runoff primary. |
(e) The maximum amount that may be charged for leasing |
equipment to a county chair [executive committee] for a general or |
runoff primary is: |
(1) $5 for each unit of electronic voting system |
equipment installed at a polling place; and |
(2) $5 for each unit of other equipment not specified |
by this subsection. |
(f) In addition to the amount a county may charge for |
leasing its equipment under Subsection (e), a county may charge a |
county chair [executive committee] for the actual expenses incurred |
by the county in: |
(1) transporting the equipment to and from the polling |
places; |
(2) preparing the equipment for use in the primary |
election; and |
(3) operating a central counting station for the |
primary election. |
SECTION 15. Section 141.031(a), Election Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) A candidate's application for a place on the ballot that |
is required by this code must: |
(1) be in writing; |
(2) be signed and sworn to before a person authorized |
to administer oaths in this state by the candidate and indicate the |
date that the candidate swears to the application; |
(3) be timely filed with the appropriate authority; |
[and] |
(4) if the candidate is applying to seek office as a |
member of a political party, contain the signature of the party |
chair; and |
(5) include: |
(A) the candidate's name; |
(B) the candidate's occupation; |
(C) the office sought, including any place number |
or other distinguishing number; |
(D) an indication of whether the office sought is |
to be filled for a full or unexpired term if the office sought and |
another office to be voted on have the same title but do not have |
place numbers or other distinguishing numbers; |
(E) a statement that the candidate is a United |
States citizen; |
(F) a statement that the candidate has not been |
determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate |
jurisdiction to be: |
(i) totally mentally incapacitated; or |
(ii) partially mentally incapacitated |
without the right to vote; |
(G) a statement that the candidate has not been |
finally convicted of a felony from which the candidate has not been |
pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities; |
(H) the candidate's date of birth; |
(I) the candidate's residence address or, if the |
residence has no address, the address at which the candidate |
receives mail and a concise description of the location of the |
candidate's residence; |
(J) the candidate's length of continuous |
residence in the state and in the territory from which the office |
sought is elected as of the date the candidate swears to the |
application; |
(K) the statement: "I, __________, of __________ |
County, Texas, being a candidate for the office of __________, |
swear that I will support and defend the constitution and laws of |
the United States and of the State of Texas"; |
(L) a statement that the candidate is aware of |
the nepotism law, Chapter 573, Government Code; and |
(M) a public mailing address at which the |
candidate receives correspondence relating to the candidate's |
campaign, if available, and an electronic mail address at which the |
candidate receives correspondence relating to the candidate's |
campaign, if available. |
SECTION 16. Subchapter B, Chapter 171, Election Code, is |
amended by adding Section 171.030 to read as follows: |
Notwithstanding any other law, if a political party holding a |
primary election in a county does not have a county chair for that |
county or if the county chair for that county has failed to perform |
a statutory duty: |
(1) the state chair of the political party has the |
powers, duties, and functions of a county chair under Titles 3, 4, |
5, and 8 for that county; and |
(2) a governmental entity, election officer, or other |
person required to provide notice, documents, or materials to a |
county chair for that county under Titles 3, 4, 5, and 8 shall |
provide the notice, documents, or materials to the state chair of |
the political party if the county does not have a county chair or in |
connection with any duty the county chair has failed to perform. |
SECTION 17. Section 172.081(a), Election Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) A [Except as provided by Subsection (b), a] primary |
committee may be [is] established in each county having a county |
executive committee. If created, the [The] primary committee |
consists of: |
(1) the county chair; and |
(2) four other members of the county executive |
committee, appointed by the county chair subject to the executive |
committee's approval. |
SECTION 18. The heading to Section 172.126, Election Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 19. Section 172.126, Election Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (a-1), (a-2), (h-1), |
(h-2), (j), and (k) to read as follows: |
(a) Except as otherwise provided by Subsection (a-1), the |
[The] primary elections in a county shall [may] be conducted |
jointly at the regular polling places designated for the general |
election for state and county officers. The county clerk shall |
supervise the overall conduct of the joint primary elections. This |
section applies to the conduct of joint primary elections |
notwithstanding and in addition to other applicable provisions of |
this code. [The decision to conduct a joint general primary |
election or runoff primary election, as applicable, must be made by |
majority vote of the full membership of the commissioners court and |
with the unanimous approval of the county clerk and the county chair |
of each political party required to nominate candidates by primary |
election.] |
(a-1) A county chair may elect for the political party to |
not participate in a joint primary under Subsection (a) by |
providing notice under Subsection (j). A county chair may elect to |
perform any requirement under this section in lieu of the county |
clerk by providing similar notice. The county clerk shall perform |
all duties required under this section for each political party for |
which the county chair has not submitted notice under this section. |
(a-2) The county clerk shall receive direct repayment of an |
actual expense incurred in connection with a joint election under |
Section 173.0832. |
(h-1) Except as provided by Subsection (a-1), in a joint |
primary election held under this section, the county clerk shall: |
(1) obtain voter registration lists from the voter |
registrar of the county; |
(2) provide training and compensation of election |
clerks and judges; |
(3) provide notice under Section 4.007; |
(4) designate the location of the election day polling |
places for the general primary election and any resulting runoff |
election; |
(5) procure and distribute all polling place supplies; |
and |
(6) perform duties relating to voting system and |
electronic pollbook equipment, including tabulation of election |
results. |
(h-2) In a joint primary or resulting runoff election under |
this section, the party shall: |
(1) provide the list of names of the election judges |
and clerks required under Subsection (c); |
(2) participate in the appointment of the counting |
station manager, the tabulation supervisor, and the assistants to |
the tabulation supervisor; and |
(3) as soon as practicable after the filing deadline, |
or, for a runoff election, after the local canvass: |
(A) direct the county clerk to the candidate |
filing system on the secretary of state's Internet website to find |
the candidates' names and offices as they are to appear on the |
ballot; and |
(B) submit a proposition that is to appear on the |
ballot under Section 172.087 to the county clerk. |
(j) A county chair may make the election under Subsection |
(a-1) if the county chair gives notice in writing to the county |
clerk and the secretary of state not later than the first day on |
which a candidate may file an application for placement on a ballot |
that: |
(1) includes a certification that the county executive |
committee has a county primary fund as required by Section 173.031; |
(2) includes a list of the duties under Subsection |
(h-1) that the county chair still wishes the county clerk to |
perform; |
(3) states whether the county executive committee will |
compensate election workers; and |
(4) includes a certification that the cost of the |
party's primary election will not exceed an amount equivalent to |
the projected cost of the joint primary election conducted by the |
county clerk divided by the number of parties participating. |
(k) Any cost incurred by the party in holding the primary |
election in excess of the amount certified under Subsection (j)(4) |
shall be paid from party funds, unless the secretary of state |
approves the cost in advance. |
SECTION 20. Section 173.031, Election Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (c), (d), (e), and |
(f) to read as follows: |
(a) A county primary fund is created for each county |
executive committee of a political party holding a primary election |
if required by the state executive committee of the political |
party. |
(c) A state executive committee shall require a county |
executive committee to have a county primary fund under Subsection |
(a) if the county executive committee does not participate in a |
joint primary under Section 172.126 or the county will otherwise |
expend funds for administrative purposes. |
(d) A state executive committee may by rule allow a county |
executive committee that does not have a primary fund to accept |
filing fees payable to the state party primary fund. The county |
chair shall remit these funds to the state chair not later than five |
days after the funds are accepted. If the state chair discovers that |
a check made payable to the state party primary fund may not be |
deposited due to insufficient funds, the state chair shall notify |
the county chair, and the county chair shall notify the candidate |
that the candidate's application for a place on the ballot has been |
rejected. |
(e) The state party shall account for each filing fee |
accepted under Subsection (d) by listing in state party records: |
(1) the county; |
(2) the candidate's name; |
(3) the office sought; and |
(4) the amount of the accepted fee. |
(f) The state party shall remit the total of the funds |
accepted under Subsection (d) to the secretary of state within 10 |
days of the completion of the filing period. |
SECTION 21. Section 173.0341(c), Election Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(c) If the state chair acts as the fiscal agent for a county |
party in accordance with an agreement under this section: |
(1) the state chair shall deliver the completed |
agreement to the secretary of state; |
(2) any filing fee received by the county party under |
Subchapter C must be made payable to the state party for deposit in |
the state primary fund not later than five days after receipt of the |
filing fee; |
(3) the county chair [or county executive committee] |
shall make a request in accordance with Section 31.093 to enter into |
a contract with the county elections administrator to conduct |
primary elections in the county; and |
(4) Section 173.031 does not apply to the county |
party. |
SECTION 22. Section 173.083, Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The amount of estimated primary election expenses payable with |
state funds under this section is equal to: |
(1) for a general primary election: |
(A) if the county chair retains candidate filing |
fees collected under Section 172.021, the difference obtained by |
subtracting the sum of the filing fees and contributions reported |
in the statement of estimated primary election expenses from the |
total amount of estimated general primary expenses approved by the |
secretary of state under Section 173.082; and |
(B) if the county chair elects to forward |
candidate filing fees collected under Section 172.021 pursuant to |
Section 173.031(d), the difference obtained by subtracting the |
contributions reported in the statement of estimated primary |
election expenses from the total amount of estimated general |
primary expenses approved by the secretary of state under Section |
173.082; and |
(2) for a runoff primary election, the total amount of |
estimated runoff primary expenses approved by the secretary. |
(b) State payment of the estimated primary election |
expenses shall be made in installments as follows: |
(1) the initial installment for the expenses of a |
general primary is equal to the sum of three-fourths, or |
three-fifths if the secretary of state determines that figure to be |
more efficient, of the amount of estimated general primary expenses |
not including estimates of election staff salaries payable with |
state funds and the total estimated amount of election staff |
salaries; |
(2) the initial installment for the expenses of a |
runoff primary is equal to the sum of three-fourths, or |
three-fifths if the secretary of state determines that figure to be |
more efficient, of the amount of estimated runoff primary expenses |
not including estimates of election staff salaries payable with |
state funds and the total estimated amount of election staff |
salaries; and |
(3) the final installment is equal to the difference |
obtained by subtracting the total of the installments paid under |
Subdivisions (1) and (2) from the total of the actual general and |
runoff primary election expenses payable with state funds. |
(c) After determining the amount of estimated primary |
expenses to approve under Section 173.082 for a general or runoff |
primary, the secretary of state shall calculate the amount of the |
installment payable under Subsection (b)(1) or (2), as applicable. |
The secretary shall then prepare and deliver to the comptroller of |
public accounts a certified statement indicating the amount of the |
installment, the total amount of estimated general or runoff |
primary expenses payable with state funds, and the name of the |
county election officer, county chair, or state chair who submitted |
the statement of estimated primary election expenses. |
(d) The final installment may not be paid until a report is |
filed in compliance with Section 173.084 and, in the case of a |
county chair, a report is also filed in compliance with Section |
172.124. On the filing of the report, the secretary of state shall |
calculate the amount of the final installment and prepare and |
deliver to the comptroller of public accounts a certified statement |
indicating that amount and the appropriate county election officer, |
county chair, or state chair's name. |
(e) On receipt of a certified statement under Subsection (c) |
or (d), the comptroller of public accounts shall issue a warrant or |
direct deposit in the certified amount of the installment payable |
to the county election officer, county chair, or state chair |
identified by the statement. |
SECTION 23. This Act takes effect September 1, 2021. |