By: Anchia H.B. No. 4561
  relating to the powers and duties of the Railroad Commission of
  Texas; providing an administrative penalty.
         Subchapter A, Chapter 81, Subtitle A, Title 3, Natural
  Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commission, after notice and opportunity for
  hearing, may impose an administrative penalty against a purchaser,
  transporter, gatherer, shipper, or seller of natural gas, a person
  described by Section 81.051(a) or 111.081(a), or any other entity
  under the jurisdiction of the commission under this code that the
  commission determines has:
               (1)  violated a commission rule adopting standards or a
  code of conduct for entities in the natural gas industry
  prohibiting unlawful discrimination; or
               (2)  unreasonably discriminated against a seller of
  natural gas in the purchase of natural gas from the seller[.];or
               (3)  sold natural gas used in the production and
  generation of electricity intended for sale and use on the Texas
  electric grid at an excessive price during a declared disaster.
         (b)  The commission, after notice and opportunity for
  hearing, may impose an administrative penalty against a purchaser,
  transporter, or gatherer of natural gas if the commission
  determines that the person engaged in prohibited discrimination
  against a shipper or seller of natural gas because the shipper or
  seller filed a formal or informal complaint with the commission
  against the person relating to the person's purchase,
  transportation, or gathering of the gas.
         (c)  The commission, after notice and opportunity for
  hearing, may impose an administrative penalty against a purchaser,
  transporter, gatherer, shipper, or seller of natural gas who is a
  party to an informal complaint resolution proceeding and is
  determined by the commission to have:
               (1)  failed to participate in the proceeding; or
               (2)  failed to provide information requested by a
  mediator in the proceeding.
         (d)  An administrative penalty imposed under this section
  may not exceed [$5,000] $250,000 a day for each violation.  Each day
  a violation continues or occurs is a separate violation for
  purposes of imposing a penalty under this section.
         (e)  If the commission determines after notice and
  opportunity for hearing that an entity has engaged in prohibited
  discrimination for which a penalty may be imposed under this
  section, the commission may issue any order necessary and
  reasonable to prevent the discrimination from continuing.
         (f)  The remedy provided by this section is cumulative of any
  other remedy the commission may order.
         (a)  This section does not apply to rates established under
  Chapter 103, Utilities Code, or Subchapter C or G, Chapter 104, of
  that code.
         (b)  The commission may use a cost-of-service method or a
  market-based rate method in setting a rate in a formal rate
  proceeding.  If the rate case is the result of a complaint filed for
  declared disaster excessive pricing, the commission must use an
  average market price of the three months preceding the declared
         (c)  On the filing of a complaint by a shipper or seller of
  natural gas, the commission may set a transportation or gathering
  rate in a formal rate proceeding if the commission determines that
  the rate is necessary to remedy unreasonable discrimination in the
  provision of transportation or gathering services.  The commission
  may set a rate regardless of whether the transporter or gatherer is
  classified as a utility by other law.
         (d)  On the filing of a complaint of excessive price by a
  power generation company acting as a purchaser of natural gas and
  registered with the Texas Public Utility Commission under
  Substantive Rule 25.5 (54), the commission shall set a rate in a
  formal rate proceeding if the commission determines that the rate
  is necessary to remedy excessive pricing during a declared
  disaster period or shortage.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2021.