87R23111 JGH-D
  By: Craddick H.C.R. No. 102
         WHEREAS, For more than half a century, James Fuller has
  dedicated himself to the advancement of education and civil rights
  in West Texas through his work as an educator, administrator, and
  member of the Midland school board; and
         WHEREAS, A native of San Angelo, Mr. Fuller received his
  early education in segregated schools, and after serving in the
  U.S. Marine Corps, he earned an associate's degree from San Angelo
  College, a bachelor's degree from North Texas State University, and
  a master's degree from Texas Tech University; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of his exemplary 52-year career,
  Mr. Fuller has been a champion for equality of opportunity and fair
  access to education; he taught for the Lubbock Independent School
  District and for Midland College, where he was an English professor
  for more than four decades; he also served the college as
  coordinator of the Professional Development and Teaching and
  Learning Center, director of the Campus Writing Lab, and assistant
  director of Developmental Studies; and
         WHEREAS, In 1988, Mr. Fuller was elected to the board of
  trustees of Midland ISD, and he served for 33 years, becoming the
  longest-tenured Black elected official in the city's history; he
  has been active as well with the Federation of Citizens United to
  Serve, Habitat for Humanity, Leadership Midland, the Midland
  African American Roots Historical/Cultural Arts Council, the
  Midland African American Chamber of Entrepreneurs, and the NAACP;
         WHEREAS, Mr. Fuller's numerous awards include the Good
  Samaritan Award for Outstanding Community Service, an honorary life
  membership in the National PTA, the Community Service Award of the
  Midland chapter of the Links, Inc., the Premier Citizen Award from
  the Negro Business and Professional Women's Club of Midland, and
  the Community Service Award from the Midland branch of the NAACP,
  among others; and
         WHEREAS, A certified lay preacher, Mr. Fuller has been the
  pastor of the Visionary Hollowell United Methodist Church, a
  delegate to the UMC Northwest Texas Annual Conference, and an
  officer of St. Mark's United Methodist Church; throughout his life,
  he has worked alongside his wife of nearly 60 years, Robbyne Hocker
  Fuller, Midland's first licensed Black real estate agent, and
  together they have championed African American art, culture, and
  business; and
         WHEREAS, James Fuller's dedication, drive, and passion for
  justice have earned him the lasting respect and admiration of the
  citizens of Midland, and he may indeed reflect with pride on his
  outstanding record of achievement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 87th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby commend James Fuller for his decades of service to the city
  of Midland and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued
  success and happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Fuller as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.