87R30040 KSM-D
  By: Rodriguez H.C.R. No. 110
         WHEREAS, The Austin Latino Coalition has demonstrated a
  steadfast commitment to supporting area residents during the
  COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying economic crisis, as well as
  in the aftermath of Winter Storm Uri; and
         WHEREAS, The unprecedented circumstances of the past year
  have placed immense burdens on our communities, including strains
  on health care resources, loss of jobs, business closures, and
  damage to homes, and members of the Austin Latino Coalition have set
  an inspiring example of civic leadership by continuing to serve
  others and working toward the greater good; in so doing, they have
  been a source of guidance and relief to many individuals; and
         WHEREAS, Founded in 2013, the coalition unites the efforts of
  Latino organizations and individuals to promote civic engagement
  and self-determination; it has focused recent efforts on addressing
  the pandemic's disproportionate impact on the Latino community, and
  in the wake of Winter Storm Uri, its volunteers marked the 94th
  anniversary of the birth of civil rights leader Cesar Chavez by
  holding a day of action, distributing food, water, and personal
  protective equipment to some 1,000 families; and
         WHEREAS, Since then, the Austin Latino Coalition has
  organized and supported many other important initiatives,
  including the distribution of food, water, household supplies, and
  personal protective equipment, as well as numerous COVID-19 vaccine
  distribution events in east and southeast Travis County; in
  addition, members have drawn attention to health care disparities
  in the eastern crescent region of Austin, and through their
  advocacy and work, they have helped increase vaccine access for
  residents of underserved communities in the area, including those
  who may lack Internet access or speak a primary language other than
  English; and
         WHEREAS, The tireless dedication of the Austin Latino
  Coalition has made a positive difference in the lives of countless
  Texans during a time of crisis, and the organization is truly
  deserving of special recognition for its efforts; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the 87th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby honor the Austin Latino Coalition for its outstanding
  service to the community and extend to its members sincere best
  wishes for continued success in their important work; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the coalition as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives and Senate.