87R7107 CW-D
  By: Minjarez H.R. No. 50
         WHEREAS, The volunteers, staff, and board members who make up
  the Texas Court Appointed Special Advocates network are gathering
  in Austin on February 17, 2021, for CASA Day at the State Capitol;
         WHEREAS, Texas CASA is part of a national volunteer movement
  that began in 1977 and enlists local community volunteers to
  support children and families involved in the foster care system;
  beginning in 1979 with the first CASA program in Dallas, and
  followed by the formation of Texas CASA in 1989, judges and
  communities across the state have worked to expand CASA's
  initiatives; and
         WHEREAS, Providing 72 local programs in 219 of the state's
  254 counties, Texas CASA has grown to become one of the largest such
  initiatives in the nation; through their advocacy efforts in the
  2020 fiscal year, CASA volunteers made a difference for 29,229
  youth by helping build community connections and pathways to
  resiliency and healing from trauma; and
         WHEREAS, CASA volunteers are appointed by a judge to provide
  valuable information and to make informed recommendations to courts
  that serve the best interests of each child; and
         WHEREAS, The CASA network in Texas works tirelessly to ensure
  that the organization grows in size in order to serve more children
  and families and grows in understanding and practice to ensure that
  CASA serves those children and families as informed, collaborative
  partners in an ever-evolving system of care; and
         WHEREAS, All those associated with CASA are truly deserving
  of recognition for their important work and service to the State of
  Texas, its courts, its children, and its families; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 17, 2021, as CASA Day at the
  State Capitol and commend the organization for its diligent efforts
  to aid abused and neglected children; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for CASA as an expression of high regard by the Texas House
  of Representatives.