87R7216 BK-D
  By: Raymond H.R. No. 80
         WHEREAS, During the fight to contain the spread of COVID-19,
  frontline workers, including men and women in the fields of health
  care, food service, child care, and transportation, have provided
  vital services to their fellow Americans; and
         WHEREAS, In continuing to work in frontline and public-facing
  roles, these individuals have helped protect the health and safety
  of their communities while minimizing disruptions to our daily
  lives; their numbers include physicians, nurses, home care and
  domestic workers, and other medical professionals, who have put
  themselves in harm's way to ensure that all patients receive timely
  medical care; and
         WHEREAS, Essential workers such as emergency medical
  personnel, emergency dispatchers, law enforcement officers,
  firefighters, security guards, and corrections officers have
  continued to fulfill their duties while adapting to the significant
  challenges posed by COVID-19; in so doing, they have saved lives,
  aided the sick and injured, and upheld law and order in the midst of
  a public health crisis; and
         WHEREAS, The efforts of farmers and farm workers, food
  processing workers, food service workers, and grocery employees
  have helped keep the threat of food shortages at bay, while truck
  drivers, pilots, and distribution center workers have ensured the
  uninterrupted movement of our nation's supply chains; also
  deserving of recognition are the employees of the United States
  Postal Service and other postal carriers that have facilitated the
  delivery of mail and critical goods, including prescription
  medications, as well as the communications workers who have kept
  households connected through phone, cable, and Internet, when these
  services are needed more than ever; and
         WHEREAS, Local, state, and federal employees have upheld key
  government functions and services, many of which have risen in
  demand due to the impact of COVID-19; across the country, other
  essential workers include teachers and child-care workers,
  construction and utility workers, laborers, sanitation and
  cleaning personnel, and employees in the travel and transportation
  sectors, all of whom make contributions that are indispensable to
  the day-to-day functioning of our economy and society; and
         WHEREAS, The COVID-19 pandemic, through the myriad
  challenges that it has imposed on us, has shined a light on those in
  our workforce whose efforts might have otherwise gone unheralded,
  and these many individuals are deserving of their fellow citizens'
  deepest and most heartfelt appreciation; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the frontline workers of the United
  States for their service during the COVID-19 pandemic and extend to
  them sincere best wishes for their health and safety.