87R9246 CW-D
  By: Campos H.R. No. 87
         WHEREAS, Seven schools in the East Central Independent School
  District in Bexar County have been awarded blended learning grants
  from the Texas Education Agency and the Raise Your Hand Texas
  Foundation; and
         WHEREAS, The TEA and the Raise Your Hand Texas initiatives
  seek to combine the best of in-person classroom teaching with
  online technology to personalize instruction; through extensive
  research and grant application processes, several ECISD campuses
  have embarked on the journey of using blended learning, delivering
  instruction in a way that brings technology, choice, and individual
  agency into students' daily experiences; and
         WHEREAS, Four schools in the district have received Blended
  Learning Planning Grants from TEA; Sinclair Elementary is the
  recipient of a Math Innovation Zone blended learning grant that
  will be extended to Legacy Middle School during the 2020-2021
  school year; the agency awarded non-math blended learning grants to
  Harmony Elementary and Heritage Middle Schools that will be piloted
  in science and social studies; and
         WHEREAS, The Raising Blended Learners initiative, which is
  directed by the Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation, presented blended
  learning grants to CAST Lead High School, the Salado Elementary
  School East Central Leadership Academy, and Pecan Valley Elementary
  School; starting in fall 2021, the grants will be implemented in
  multiple grade levels and content areas; and
         WHEREAS, East Central ISD continues to discover new and
  innovative ways to increase student engagement and achievement, and
  these grants are a testament to the skill and professionalism of the
  district's faculty and staff; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the East Central Independent School
  District on receiving blended learning grants from the Texas
  Education Agency and the Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation and that
  all those associated with the district be extended sincere best
  wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the ECISD as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.