87R12879 JGH-D
  By: White H.R. No. 244
         WHEREAS, Family and friends will forever treasure their
  memories of Dr. John Layton Sessions of Kirbyville, who died on
  February 20, 2021, at the age of 77; and
         WHEREAS, John Sessions was born in Fort Worth on November 5,
  1943, to Clyde and Celeta Sessions, and he grew up with two
  siblings, Norman and Elizabeth; and
         WHEREAS, In 1974, Dr. Sessions opened the Jasper County
  Medical Center in Kirbyville, and his practice has served area
  residents for more than 45 years; in addition, he was a skilled
  pilot and a certified flight surgeon, regularly administering
  flight physicals to pilots across southeast Texas and southwest
  Louisiana; and
         WHEREAS, Known as "Doc" to his patients and friends,
  Dr. Sessions was both respected and beloved for his strong
  convictions, his perseverance, and his dry sense of humor; he never
  refused a challenge, especially if he was told "it couldn't be
  done," and he was gifted at finding ingenious solutions to
  problems, be they medical, mechanical, or engineering; and
         WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Dr. Sessions benefited from
  the strength and courage of his wife of 44 years, Jan Mouton
  Sessions, and he took great pride in his children and their spouses,
  John and Jennifer Sessions, Jennifer and Justin Ballard, Joby and
  Emilie Sessions, and Jaron and Laura Sessions; with the passing
  years, he had the pleasure of welcoming into his family 13
  grandchildren, Christian, Megan, Jacie, Josh, Jacob, Janna, Elise,
  Avia, Jaron Blake, LynnLee, Thomas, Autumn, and Cherith; and
         WHEREAS, John Sessions lived a rich and purposeful life
  devoted to his family, his patients, and his faith, and he leaves
  behind a legacy that will continue to inspire all those who knew and
  loved him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Dr. John Layton
  Sessions and extend heartfelt sympathy to his family and many
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of John Layton