H.R. No. 261
         WHEREAS, In spring 2021, the Archer Center celebrates the
  20th anniversary of the Archer Center and the Bill Archer
  Fellowship Program in Washington, D.C.; and
         WHEREAS, The Archer Center, founded in spring 2001 by
  Congressman Bill Archer, is where Texas meets the world. As the
  Washington, D.C., campus of The University of Texas System, the
  Archer Center provides talented undergraduate, graduate, and
  medical students from across The U. T. System's academic and health
  institutions with the opportunity to live, learn, and intern in the
  nation's capital; and
         WHEREAS, The Archer Fellowship Program is a unique academic
  and experiential learning program that develops the next generation
  of leaders for local, state, federal, and international service by
  introducing highly accomplished students from the State of Texas to
  the federal policy process; and
         WHEREAS, The Archer Center's vision is to develop public- and
  private-sector leaders who understand the federal policymaking
  process, are able to solve relevant policy problems, contribute to
  improved civic engagement and civil society, and who elevate the
  public discourse about policy and politics; and
         WHEREAS, Archer Fellows spend a transformative and impactful
  semester interning for a variety of public and private
  organizations including the White House, Congress, and the
  U.S. Supreme Court; more than 1,500 students have participated in
  the Archer Center's semester-long and summer programs since its
  inception; and
         WHEREAS, The Archer Fellowship elevates the reputation of
  U. T. institutions and their students. It has served as a
  springboard for graduate and professional careers at prestigious
  universities and medical centers such as Harvard University, Yale
  University, and the University of Oxford, as well as virtually
  every U. T. institution. The program has also enabled students to
  enter high impact careers in the public and private sector. Archer
  Fellows have been awarded many distinguished scholarships,
  including the Harry S. Truman Scholarship, the Marshall
  Scholarship, the Rhodes Scholarship, the Schwarzman Scholarship,
  and the Fulbright Scholarship; and
         WHEREAS, The Archer Center was founded in January 2001 by
  Congressman Bill Archer upon his retirement from the United States
  House of Representatives after a 40-year career in service to his
  nation in local, state, and federal government, including service
  in the Texas House of Representatives; and
         WHEREAS, The Archer Center is a proud continuation of former
  Chairman of the Congressional House Ways and Means Committee
  Congressman Bill Archer's legacy of public service;
         WHEREAS, In special recognition of Congressman Bill Archer's
  93rd birthday on March 22, 2021, and the Archer Center's milestone
  anniversary and impactful 20 years of serving Texas students; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Archer
  Center, 20 years of Archer Fellows, as well as the Chairman's 93rd
  birthday; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Chairman Archer as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
  Ordaz Perez
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 261 was adopted by the House on March
  18, 2021, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House