87R1708 JGH-D
  By: Canales H.R. No. 371
         WHEREAS, Monica Reyes of The University of Texas Rio Grande
  Valley has received a 2020 Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award from
  The University of Texas System Board of Regents; and
         WHEREAS, The Outstanding Teaching Award is one of the most
  prestigious honors for teaching excellence in the nation, and this
  year, 27 faculty members from the UT System's 14 academic and health
  institutions are being recognized as exceptional educators;
  selected through a nominating process that relies on student and
  peer faculty evaluations, each honoree receives a certificate, a
  medallion, and $25,000; Dr. Reyes is one of two UTRGV faculty
  members to receive a 2020 award; and
         WHEREAS, A native of the Rio Grande Valley, Monica Reyes
  earned an associate degree in psychology, a bachelor's degree in
  English, and a master's degree in English from The University of
  Texas at Brownsville, and she completed her Ph.D. in English at Old
  Dominion University in August 2020; she began her career in
  education in 2004 as a teacher for the Brownsville Independent
  School District, and she went on to join the faculty of the
  Department of English at Texas Southmost College; since 2015, she
  has served as a lecturer in the UTRGV Department of Writing and
  Language Studies; and
         WHEREAS, With her receipt of a Regents' Outstanding Teaching
  Award, Monica Reyes joins an elite group of educators who have
  excelled at helping students broaden their intellectual horizons
  and prepare themselves for future success, and her efforts have
  contributed greatly to the academic mission of the UT System; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Monica Reyes on her receipt of a
  2020 Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award from The University of
  Texas System Board of Regents and extend to her sincere best wishes
  for continued success with her important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Reyes as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.