WHEREAS, Magic Valley Electric Cooperative has played a vital |
role in the lives of Rio Grande Valley residents for more than eight |
decades, and its crews went to commendable lengths to restore power |
to area households in the wake of Hurricane Hanna; and |
WHEREAS, The storm made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane on |
Padre Island on July 25, 2020, bringing winds of up to 90 miles per |
hour and inundating parts of South Texas with over 15 inches of |
rain; disaster declarations were issued in 32 counties, and as a |
result of downed power lines and other infrastructure damage, tens |
of thousands of outages were reported in Corpus Christi, Laredo, |
and the Rio Grande Valley; and |
WHEREAS, At the peak of the outages, more than 75,000 Magic |
Valley Electric Cooperative members, a majority of the |
organization's patrons, were without power; in the week that |
followed, MVEC deployed linemen to neighborhoods that received |
storm damage, and through their diligent efforts, electricity was |
restored to almost all of those affected within days of the |
hurricane; and |
WHEREAS, Founded by a group of local farmers and ranchers in |
1937, MVEC is an independent not-for-profit member-owned |
organization; it has long been an integral part of the community, |
and it is today a reliable source of electric power to over 125,000 |
member accounts in seven counties; and |
WHEREAS, After nearly a century in the Rio Grande Valley, |
Magic Valley Electric Cooperative continues to further its |
reputation for excellence, and the professionals who were part of |
its Hurricane Hanna recovery team are to be commended for their |
dedicated efforts; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas |
Legislature hereby honor Magic Valley Electric Cooperative for its |
outstanding work to restore service to its members in the aftermath |
of Hurricane Hanna and that all those affiliated with the |
organization be extended sincere best wishes for continued success; |
and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Magic Valley Electric Cooperative as an expression of |
high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. |