87R17503 CW-D
  By: Jetton H.R. No. 539
         WHEREAS, Jerry W. Jones Jr., economic development director
  for the City of Richmond, is the recipient of a 2021 Economic
  Development 40 Under 40 Award from Development Counsellors
  International and Jorgenson Consulting; and
         WHEREAS, This biennial accolade recognizes professionals
  under the age of 40 whose innovative leadership and diverse skill
  sets are helping to build inclusive and equitable economies and
  resilient communities; selected from more than 200 nominees, Jerry
  Jones was among the 40 individuals honored on March 16 at a virtual
  awards ceremony held in conjunction with the International Economic
  Development Council Leadership Summit; and
         WHEREAS, Named the Richmond economic development director in
  November 2020, Mr. Jones oversees project management, among other
  duties, and brings more than a decade of experience in workforce
  development and regional outreach to his new role; he previously
  worked in Louisiana as director of economic development for the
  Baton Rouge North Economic Development District and St. John the
  Baptist Parish, and he has also served as project manager for the
  Central Louisiana Business Incubator, as economic developer for the
  Imperial Calcasieu Regional Planning and Development Commission,
  and as CEO for the Lake Charles North Redevelopment Authority; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Jones has further distinguished himself through
  his civic engagement, serving on the Alexandria City Council as
  well as on a number of boards and commissions; he also belongs to
  the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and Jno G. Lewis Jr. Lodge No. 261;
  he holds a political science degree from Southern University and
  Agricultural & Mechanical College and True South Basic
  Certification in Economic Development from the University of
  Southern Mississippi; moreover, he completed the Economic
  Development Institute at the University of Oklahoma and the
  Authentic Leadership program at the Harvard University John F.
  Kennedy School of Government; and
         WHEREAS, Jerry Jones has set an outstanding example of
  leadership in his field and in his community, and he may indeed take
  justifiable pride in his many achievements; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Jerry W. Jones Jr. on his receipt
  of a 2021 Economic Development 40 Under 40 Award and extend to him
  sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Jones as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.