87R17502 TBO-D
  By: Jetton H.R. No. 540
         WHEREAS, The academic decathlon team from Dulles High School
  in Sugar Land won its fifth consecutive 6A state championship at the
  2021 Texas Academic Decathlon; and
         WHEREAS, The academic decathlon program for the 2020-2021
  school year focuses on the Cold War, and at each meet, participating
  teams compete in 10 events that cover a range of subjects, including
  math, science, language, art, music, economics, social science,
  essay, speech, and interview; and
         WHEREAS, Competing in the 6A division, which consists of
  large schools, the Dulles High academic decathlon team won a
  combined total of $18,500 in scholarships, 22 individual medals,
  and 3 perfect scores in the 2021 state championship, with Kathryn
  Phung earning first place in overall honors, Ashith Regi earning
  second place in overall honors, Saloni Modi earning fourth place in
  overall honors, Abigail Diltz earning first place in overall
  scholastic, and Jeffrey Jiang earning third place in overall
  scholastic; other members of the roster also contributed to the
  team's impressive showing, including Anthony Pasala, Kevin Duong,
  Leah Melendez, and Conrad Leung; moreover, the team has benefited
  from the able leadership of coaches Kelsey Halfen, Andrew Hartman,
  Mark Rosenbalm, Casey Johnston, and Rybecca Kirkpatrick; and
         WHEREAS, The members of the Dulles High academic decathlon
  team have ably represented their school and community, and the
  exemplary skill and dedication they have demonstrated is sure to
  serve them well in the years ahead; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Dulles High School academic
  decathlon team on winning first place in the 6A division of the
  Texas Academic Decathlon and extend to its members sincere best
  wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.