87R18660 CW-D
  By: White H.R. No. 625
         WHEREAS, Throughout 2021, proud residents are celebrating
  the 175th anniversary of the founding of Polk County; and
         WHEREAS, Situated in the East Texas Timberlands region, the
  county is bordered by the Neches and Trinity Rivers; prior to
  European settlement, the area was home to numerous Native American
  tribes, including the Hasinai and the Alabama and Coushatta; today,
  many members of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas live on the
  oldest reservation in the state, an approximately 10,200-acre site
  in the Big Thicket, and three streams in the county, Long King, Long
  Tom, and Tempe, bear the names of Coushatta chiefs; and
         WHEREAS, Named for President James K. Polk, an advocate for
  Texas statehood, Polk County was established by the first state
  legislature on March 30, 1846; Livingston was selected by vote as
  the county seat that same year, and the new county continued to
  attract Anglo settlers, who initially built communities along the
  Trinity River; Polk now encompasses five incorporated cities,
  Livingston, Corrigan, Onalaska, Goodrich, and Seven Oaks; and
         WHEREAS, Polk County is admired by residents and visitors
  alike for the natural beauty of its rolling hills and majestic pine
  forests; tourism plays a major role in the regional economy, with
  outdoor enthusiasts enjoying outstanding bird-watching and such
  activities as fishing, boating, pontoon tours, and horseback riding
  at Lake Livingston; local attractions also include the Polk County
  Memorial Museum; and
         WHEREAS, A consistent leader in timber production in Texas,
  Polk County supports many other industries as well, including
  farming and ranching; moreover, a high percentage of the workforce
  is involved in health care, helping to meet the needs of its growing
  population; and
         WHEREAS, Celebrating their rich history as they work together
  to build a bright future, the people of Polk County may take great
  pride in the important role their communities continue to play in
  the story of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 175th anniversary of the
  founding of Polk County and extend to its citizens sincere best
  wishes for the future.