87R18896 BK-D
  By: Longoria H.R. No. 635
         WHEREAS, For six years, volunteers with the organization
  Emily's Meals have set an inspiring example of compassion toward
  people experiencing homelessness in the McAllen community; and
         WHEREAS, The organization began in 2015, after six-year-old
  Emily Aguirre saw a homeless man while running errands with her
  father, Rick Aguirre; the caring young girl asked her father how the
  man lived and where he was going to find food, and after reflecting
  on his daughter's concerns, Mr. Aguirre decided to purchase a meal
  for the man; this act of kindness proved to be the first of many for
  the members of the Aguirre family, who committed themselves to the
  goal of feeding one homeless person every day for the 40 days of
  Lent; and
         WHEREAS, That original goal led the Aguirres to launch
  Emily's Meals in 2015; they began by preparing meals in their home
  to deliver to homeless and hungry individuals, and as more
  volunteers joined the cause, they have since been able to
  distribute between 40 and 50 meals each day, for a total of more
  than 10,000 meals annually; the organization also provides such
  items as clothing, tents, bicycles, running shoes, bus tickets, and
  toiletries, and they work to connect homeless people with local
  agencies that can further help them; beyond simply feeding and
  offering supplies, volunteers with Emily's Meals take the time to
  learn the names, stories, needs, hopes, and fears of the people they
  serve, encouraging empathy and understanding for a population that
  can sometimes go overlooked; and
         WHEREAS, In 2016, Emily's Meals became an official ministry
  of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church; that same year, the
  organization held the first of a series of picnics, where homeless
  clients could receive meals, get a free haircut, shop for donated
  clothing, and access needed services such as blood tests, health
  checkups, and mental health evaluations; the organization also has
  a shower truck and a small food pantry that is located on the
  grounds of the Palmer Drug Abuse Program; and
         WHEREAS, Emily's Meals has touched the lives of countless
  individuals who might otherwise go without sustenance and support,
  and the Aguirre family and the organization's volunteers are indeed
  deserving of recognition for their generous efforts; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Emily Aguirre and the Aguirre family for
  their dedicated work with Emily's Meals and extend to them sincere
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Aguirre family as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.