87R18159 JGH-D
  By: Goldman H.R. No. 641
         WHEREAS, The Railroad Commission of Texas is celebrating the
  130th anniversary of its founding in April 2021, and this milestone
  presents a fitting opportunity to recognize this venerable
  institution; and
         WHEREAS, Established by the Texas Constitution in 1891, the
  Railroad Commission was created to oversee the rates and operations
  of railroads, terminals, wharves, and express companies; in 1917,
  the Texas Legislature declared pipelines to be common carriers
  under the authority of the Railroad Commission and designated the
  commission as the agency to administer the conservation laws
  relating to oil and gas; in March 1919, with the rapid rise in oil
  and gas production, the legislature enacted a statute requiring the
  conservation of oil and gas, forbidding waste, and giving the
  Railroad Commission jurisdiction over the industry; and
         WHEREAS, In the decades since, the commission's roles and
  responsibilities have grown as the state has changed; its rail
  functions have been transferred to other agencies, but its
  jurisdiction has been extended to the oversight not only of oil and
  gas exploration and production, but also of pipeline safety and the
  safety of alternative fuels, natural gas utilities, and the surface
  mining of coal and uranium; the commission's staff includes highly
  skilled engineers, geologists, and field inspectors, as well as
  professionals with expertise in information technology, the law,
  finance, safety, communications, and administration, who are
  tasked with ensuring the protection of the public, the environment,
  and the economy; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the Railroad Commission conducts inspections
  of oil and gas wells, pipeline infrastructure, alternative fuels
  facilities, and coal surface mining sites; it also conducts field
  audits of natural gas utilities and of the number of abandoned well
  sites that have been cleaned up with the use of state-managed funds;
  in addition, the commission's staff is working tirelessly to
  modernize its IT systems, transforming outdated processes into new
  platforms that allow streamlined and transparent business
  operations; and
         WHEREAS, For 130 years, the Railroad Commission of Texas has
  played a vital role in promoting the energy independence of our
  nation, and the agency has earned a national and international
  reputation for its accomplishments; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 130th anniversary of the
  Railroad Commission of Texas and extend to the commissioners and
  the commission's staff sincere best wishes for success with their
  important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Railroad Commission as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.