87R19442 BK-D
  By: Jetton H.R. No. 655
         WHEREAS, Nine-year-old Hank Wolgamott of Sugar Land is an
  inspiring young Texan who has bravely faced the many challenges of
  living with Hemophilia A; and
         WHEREAS, When he was nine months old, Hank was diagnosed with
  a severe form of the disease, which interferes with the body's
  ability to create blood clots; because of his condition, Hank is at
  risk of developing serious bleeding from falls and other accidents;
         WHEREAS, Hank has made frequent trips to the hospital and
  received thousands of injections, and when he was just a year old,
  he underwent a surgery to place a port in his chest so that his body
  would better tolerate the treatments; along the way, the young boy
  has coped with a demanding regimen of home care that has required
  him to wake up early and perform a series of exercises before
  receiving the intravenous medication he needs to manage his
  disease; and
         WHEREAS, Hank is supported by a devoted family that includes
  his parents, Amanda and Jesse Wolgamott, and his brother, Jack; he
  has remained strong while dealing with difficult circumstances, and
  he and his family have worked to advocate for state and federal
  legislation and issues in behalf of Americans with bleeding
  disorders; and
         WHEREAS, Hank Wolgamott has persevered through a great deal
  of adversity in his young life, and there is no doubt that his
  remarkable spirit and determination will continue to serve him
  well; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Hank Wolgamott for the courage and
  resilience he has demonstrated while living with Hemophilia A and
  extend to him and his family sincere best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Hank Wolgamott and the Wolgamott family as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.