WHEREAS, Each year, drunk driving-related vehicle crashes |
claim the lives of more than 10,000 Americans; and |
WHEREAS, In 2019, over 1,300 drunk driving fatalities were |
reported in the state of Texas, a rate higher than the national |
average; from 2003 to 2012, more than 13,000 people lost their lives |
on Texas roads as a result of alcohol-involved traffic accidents; |
and |
WHEREAS, Although drunk driving continues to jeopardize the |
safety of our roadways, recent surveys and statistics have |
indicated several positive trends; since 1982, drunk driving |
fatalities in the United States have decreased by 52 percent, and in |
Texas, alcohol-impaired driving fatalities among people under the |
age of 21 have dropped by 15 percent over the last 10 years; |
underage drinking in Texas has also declined by a rate of 36 percent |
since 2008, with 17 percent of individuals between the ages of 12 |
and 20 reporting alcohol use in the past month; and |
WHEREAS, The State of Texas has worked with groups like |
Responsibility.org to discourage impaired driving by increasing |
the use of DWI courts, law enforcement training, No Refusal |
campaigns, ignition interlock devices, and other lifesaving |
countermeasures; research has also shown that parents can help |
prevent future underage drinking and alcohol abuse by having |
ongoing conversations about alcohol with their children, and this |
month, state attorneys general and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage |
Commission are launching campaigns aimed at preventing and curbing |
underage drinking; and |
WHEREAS, For many years, the month of April has been |
dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of alcohol abuse, |
and by joining in the observance of Alcohol Responsibility Month, |
Texans can do their part to prevent the tragic consequences |
associated with drunk driving and underage drinking; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize April 2021 as Alcohol Responsibility |
Month and encourage all Texans to make safe and responsible |
choices. |