87R20354 BK-D
  By: Thierry H.R. No. 691
         WHEREAS, The Adam Caesar Foundation is a nonprofit
  organization with the mission of growing and distributing fresh
  produce for families and individuals in need; and
         WHEREAS, The foundation was established in loving memory of
  Adam Caesar, who lost his life in a tragic accident in Houston on
  April 20, 2020; he left behind two sons, four sisters, his mother
  and father, his nieces and nephews, and a host of other relatives
  and friends; in the wake of their devastating loss, Mr. Caesar's
  family found peace and solace in gardening, which inspired his
  sister, DesMonique Ivory, to create a foundation to help keep his
  legacy alive; and
         WHEREAS, In June 2020, work began on the organization's
  flagship garden, Caesar's Yum Yum Garden, which will help provide
  fresh, healthy food to the community where Mr. Caesar was raised;
  the foundation currently has three community and school gardens,
  and it has collaborated with the Houston Parks and Recreation
  Department to create its first pollinator garden at Edgewood Park,
  which will be dedicated in honor of Adam Caesar on the first
  anniversary of his passing, April 20, 2021; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to maintaining several donation
  gardens, the foundation has partnered with Volunteer Houston, Urban
  Harvest, the Houston Food Bank, the Boy Scouts of America, and local
  churches to help feed those in need, and it has begun an initiative
  called Helping Hand to supply food to individuals experiencing
  homelessness; future plans for the foundation include opening local
  farmer's markets to increase the accessibility of fresh fruits and
  vegetables in the area; and
         WHEREAS, Guided by the motto "Sow the Seed to Change the
  Future," the Adam Caesar Foundation is making an invaluable
  contribution to its community, and it is a pleasure to commend the
  loved ones of Adam Caesar for their work to perpetuate his memory
  through this worthwhile endeavor; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Adam Caesar Foundation and recognize
  April 20, 2021, as Adam Caesar Day; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Adam Caesar Foundation as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.