87R20508 CW-D
  By: White H.R. No. 714
         WHEREAS, David Nugent is retiring as senior pastor of
  Hillcrest Baptist Church in Jasper on April 25, 2021, drawing to a
  close nearly a half century of distinguished service in the
  ministry; and
         WHEREAS, Since assuming the pulpit of Hillcrest Baptist
  Church in 1996, Pastor Nugent has demonstrated visionary leadership
  in overseeing expansion projects, including the congregation's
  relocation to a new campus in 1999 and the construction of its
  7,200-square-foot Family Life Center and a recreational field in
  2002; furthermore, in 2010, the church acquired an adjoining piece
  of property, which is now known as Hillcrest-East, and it has
  purchased two trailers for use in disaster relief efforts; and
         WHEREAS, Hillcrest has seen a dramatic rise in membership and
  Sunday school attendance under the direction of Pastor Nugent,
  along with the growth of its ministerial and support staff, its
  education and youth programs, and its bivocational music ministry;
  during his tenure, Hillcrest has also led the Sabine Valley Baptist
  Association in baptisms; and
         WHEREAS, Pastor Nugent was licensed in the ministry in 1973,
  and he was ordained on September 16, 1979, at Central Baptist Church
  in Monroe, Louisiana, where he was associate pastor from 1977 to
  1981; he went on to serve as pastor at First Baptist Church in Lone
  Pine, Louisiana, New Zion Baptist Church in Oak Grove, Louisiana,
  and First Baptist Church in Spurger, Texas, before moving to
  Jasper; and
         WHEREAS, Through the years, Pastor Nugent has held leadership
  roles with the Sabine Valley Baptist, New Bethel Baptist, Bayou
  Macon-Madison Baptist, and Louisiana Baptist Associations; he
  earned a speech education degree from Louisiana College and a
  master's degree in theology from the Freelandia Institute; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of his exemplary career, Pastor
  David Nugent has tirelessly dedicated himself to the spiritual
  well-being of his congregants, and he has earned the lasting
  respect and admiration of all who know him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate David Nugent on his retirement as
  senior pastor of Hillcrest Baptist Church and extend to him sincere
  best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Pastor Nugent as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.