WHEREAS, The FirstLight Community Foundation has made a |
positive difference in the lives of countless Texans by promoting |
financial literacy and supporting area students; and |
WHEREAS, Founded in 2015 by the board of directors and |
management team of FirstLight Federal Credit Union, the foundation |
partners with schools, universities, and local organizations to |
provide resources for financial education, such as classes, |
webinars, and online tools; and |
WHEREAS, In addition to financial literacy programs, the |
FirstLight Community Foundation awards annual scholarships to |
graduating high school students in the greater El Paso, Fort Bliss, |
and Las Cruces communities; in 2019, the organization gave more |
than $10,000 in scholarships, and this year, it plans to provide up |
to 15 scholarships totaling $15,000; and |
WHEREAS, The FirstLight Community Foundation has |
demonstrated a strong commitment to improving the financial |
well-being of area residents, and it is indeed a privilege to |
recognize the organization for its outstanding contributions; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas |
Legislature hereby honor the FirstLight Community Foundation for |
its service and extend to all those associated with the |
organization sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the FirstLight Community Foundation as an expression |
of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. |