87R17976 JRI-D
  By: Ellzey H.R. No. 815
         WHEREAS, The Ferris Independent School District is making a
  positive difference in the local community by providing area youth
  with a solid educational foundation on which to build; and
         WHEREAS, Serving approximately 2,700 students, Ferris ISD
  seeks to foster a challenging and supportive learning environment
  where young people are equipped to excel in every aspect of their
  education; a rural district in northern Ellis County, it conducts
  classes for prekindergarten through the 12th grade at its five
  campuses; with an average teacher-to-student ratio of one to 18,
  schools in the district are able to focus on individual needs and
  provide the skills students need to be competitive in the
  21st century workforce; and
         WHEREAS, Ferris ISD is ably guided by superintendent James
  Hartman, and it also benefits from the leadership of its board of
  trustees, which includes president Rico Rodriguez, vice president
  Richard Sasser, secretary Lee Longino, and members Mike Moffitt,
  Nancy Jane Salmon, and Nick Hamm; and
         WHEREAS, The administrators, teachers, staff, and school
  board of Ferris ISD have helped to provide many young Texans with
  the knowledge and skills they need to become productive members of
  society, and the district is indeed deserving of special
  recognition for its significant contributions; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Ferris Independent School District for
  its service to area youth and extend to all those associated with
  the district sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ferris ISD as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.