87R23958 CJM-F
  By: Schofield H.R. No. 965
         WHEREAS, The Wise About Texas podcast has been educating and
  entertaining a wide audience with stories from Texas history,
  inviting the listening public to "get wise about Texas," since its
  inception on November 1, 2015; and
         WHEREAS, The podcast has promoted and encouraged learning
  about Texas history by illuminating seminal moments through
  painstakingly researched and entertainingly told stories about the
  people who lived them, both the traditionally celebrated and those
  whose tales are not widely known; and
         WHEREAS, Wise About Texas has grown to become an
  award-winning podcast that has been downloaded over 800,000 times
  in 150 countries around the globe; and
         WHEREAS, The podcast is the brainchild and labor of love of
  the eminent amateur historian Justice Ken Wise of Houston, who, in
  addition to his work in preserving and popularizing the study of
  Texas history, serves Texas as a justice of the Fourteenth Court of
  Appeals, where he has served since 2013 after having previously
  served as the judge of the 334th and 152nd Judicial Districts and as
  an adjunct law professor at the University of Houston Law Center;
         WHEREAS, Justice Wise, who traces his ancestry back to the
  Republic of Texas in 1836, has studied Texas history since his youth
  and has a tremendous passion for the stories and values that built
  Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Justice Wise enjoys reading and writing about Texas
  history, has published scholarly articles in several different
  journals, and is a very popular speaker on various Texas history
  topics who started Wise About Texas to preserve and promote Texas
  history; and
         WHEREAS, Every episode ends with the popular "Getting There"
  segment directing listeners on how to get to the sites of that
  episode's story and encouraging listeners to travel to see
  important places of Texas history for themselves, before
  proclaiming, "God Bless Texas and we'll see ya down the road"; and
         WHEREAS, A beloved staple of the podcast is the annual
  revelation of compelling stories from the Texas Revolution, known
  to the Wise About Texas audience as "the High Holy Days" of Texas
  history; and
         WHEREAS, Wise About Texas released its 100th episode on April
  21, 2021, the 185th anniversary of Texas winning her independence
  at the Battle of San Jacinto, and that episode fittingly tells the
  story of the monuments--plural--on the battleground commemorating
  this seminal Texas event; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Justice Ken Wise on the 100th
  episode of Wise About Texas and extend to him sincere best wishes
  for the continued run of this eminent podcast; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Justice Wise as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.