87R23548 BK-D
  By: Morales of Harris H.R. No. 969
         WHEREAS, The Second Ward in Houston's Historic East End is
  home to a new mural celebrating the achievements of Latina women in
  the community; and
         WHEREAS, The mural was conceptualized by Richard Rodriguez,
  who sought to capture the history of a neighborhood that has
  undergone much change in recent years; with funding provided by
  Precinct2gether, Commissioner Adrian Garcia, and in-kind donations
  from the East End District, the Latina Icons Mural was painted by
  Guatemalan-born artist Gelson Danilo Lemus on a 40-feet-by-80-feet
  wall at Navarro Middle School in the heart of the Second Ward; and
         WHEREAS, Following a survey of local residents, five women
  were selected to represent the history of Latina leadership and
  empowerment in the area; the women depicted in the mural are Nelly
  Moyano Fraga, Graciela Saenz, Norma Zenteno, Angela Morales, and
  Yolanda Black Navarro, and their portraits surround the image of a
  little girl who is reading a book on the Latina heroines of her
  community; the mural also features a QR code that, when activated on
  a mobile device, takes the user to a website that details the
  stories and accomplishments of these five women; and
         WHEREAS, The Latina Icons Mural is a vibrant work of art and
  an inspiring addition to the Second Ward neighborhood, and all
  those who were involved in its creation may take great pride in
  their efforts to showcase the rich history of the Second Ward; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the completion of the Latina Icons
  Mural in Houston and commend everyone who was involved in this
  important project.