87R25603 JGH-D
  By: Frullo H.R. No. 1101
         WHEREAS, The Rotary Club of Lubbock is celebrating its 100th
  anniversary in 2021, and this milestone in the organization's
  history truly merits special recognition; and
         WHEREAS, On February 1, 1921, the Rotary Club was formally
  established at the Merrill Hotel in Lubbock by District Governor
  Lutcher Stark; one of the first service organizations in the city,
  it was made up of 18 charter members under the leadership of
  president Walter A. Myrick; over the years, the club has drawn its
  membership from business and professional leaders from all echelons
  of society, and some of the group's long-term members can boast up
  to 60 years of service, all working together under Rotary
  International's motto of "Service Above Self"; and
         WHEREAS, The club's myriad contributions to the community
  include helping to create Lubbock's first public library, providing
  funding during the early years of Lubbock's schools, leading the
  effort to establish Texas Technological College, and establishing
  the Rotary Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center; the organization has
  also provided more than $130,000 in student loans and granted many
  Youth Leadership Awards and Scholarships, and it helped establish
  the South Plains Food Bank, donating more than $30,000 each year,
  for a total of over a million dollars; and
         WHEREAS, In addition, the Rotary Club has lent its support to
  the Lubbock Area Veterans War Memorial, Habitat for Humanity, the
  George Elle South Plains Food Bank Apple Orchard, and the Breedlove
  Food Dehydration Plant; moreover, it has partnered in Rotary
  International's efforts around the world to fund water projects,
  advance education on every continent, and eradicate polio; and
         WHEREAS, For the past century, members of the Rotary Club of
  Lubbock have performed works of lasting benefit to the local
  community and beyond, and the group's noteworthy achievements are a
  tribute to the unwavering commitment of its members, both past and
  present; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Rotary Club of Lubbock on its
  100th anniversary and extend to all those associated with the club
  sincere best wishes for continued success in their important work;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Rotary Club of Lubbock as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.