87R26332 BPG-D
  By: Hinojosa H.R. No. 1163
         WHEREAS, The State of Texas lost a communications pioneer and
  wise political counselor with the death of Julian Otis Read of
  Austin on May 8, 2021, at the age of 93; and
         WHEREAS, Born outside of Fort Worth on June 8, 1927, Julian
  Read was the son of Tillie Naomi Swaim and James Otis Read, who
  moved into town to provide educational opportunities for their son
  and his sister, Opal; when he was just 18, Mr. Read began his career
  as a copy boy and hard-charging cub reporter for the now-legendary
  Fort Worth Press; he also took freelance work, including publicity
  for a promising young singer named Elvis Presley; in 1951, at the
  dawn of the advertising age, he launched a public relations and ad
  agency out of a one-room apartment, and only later did he complete
  his economics degree at Texas Christian University; and
         WHEREAS, His company, Read-Poland, grew into a powerhouse
  with five offices in Texas and another in the nation's capital; its
  host of business clients included the San Antonio HemisFair,
  Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Southwest Airlines, and
  Disney's World on Ice; during the Cold War, Mr. Read helped the
  skating show part the Iron Curtain to perform in Eastern Europe; he
  was instrumental in wearing down decades of resistance to the
  revolutionary Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey tilt rotor aircraft, leading
  to its successful implementation by the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps;
  by transfiguring the television show of University of Texas
  football coach Darrell Royal, he created a national model for such
  sports programs; and
         WHEREAS, In 1954, he guided the congressional campaign of the
  mayor of Weatherford, Jim Wright, who scored a major upset and went
  on to become speaker of the House; Mr. Read advised the campaigns of
  six U.S. presidents, from both parties; in 1961, John Connally
  asked him to run his first gubernatorial campaign, and his
  victorious strategy incorporated five-minute "Coffee with
  Connally" TV spots, an innovative use of the medium; he formed a
  lasting bond with Governor Connally's family, and as his press
  secretary, Mr. Read was liaison to the White House press corps
  traveling to Dallas with President John F. Kennedy on November 22,
  1963; having witnessed the assassination from his place in the
  motorcade, he rushed to the side of the governor's wife at Parkland
  Hospital; he received her account and delivered to the
  international media the first briefing from a perspective inside
  the presidential limousine; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Read completed the merger of Read-Poland with
  global communications giant Burson Cohn & Wolfe in 2001, and he
  maintained a presence in the Austin office until his passing; in
  addition, he wrote a book, JFK's Final Hours in Texas, published by
  UT's Briscoe Center for American History in 2013; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, Mr. Read often proclaimed himself
  the luckiest man in the world for having married Mary Anice Barber,
  on April 12, 1952; they became the parents of two daughters, Ellen
  and Courtney, and their treasured family eventually grew to include
  three grandchildren, Faye, Katherine, and Clark, as well as three
  great-grandchildren, Anice, Juliana, and Asher; the couple shared a
  deep interest in historic preservation, and Mrs. Read was the
  founder of the Texas Main Street Program at the Texas Historical
  Commission, while Mr. Read served as a member of Friends of the THC,
  the Austin History Center, the LBJ Presidential Library, and the
  Briscoe Center, where his extensive archives are housed; he
  continued his efforts following Mrs. Read's death in 1999; and
         WHEREAS, Julian Read left his imprint on Texas history and
  earned the admiration of all who knew him, not only for his
  remarkable accomplishments, but also for his kindness and
  generosity, and he will forever hold a special place in the hearts
  of his loved ones and legions of friends; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Julian Otis Read and
  extend sincere condolences to all who mourn his passing; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Julian