87R25725 CW-D
  By: Neave H.R. No. 1168
         WHEREAS, Pam Sherrill of the Mesquite Independent School
  District has been honored with induction into the 2021 class of DFW
  Great 100 Nurses; and
         WHEREAS, First held in 1991, the DFW Great 100 Nurses
  Celebration recognizes 100 registered nurses across the
  Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex for their exceptional contributions to
  the nursing profession; more than 50,000 nurses practice in the
  area, and the accolade raises awareness of their community service
  and tireless efforts in behalf of patient care, research, and
  education; and
         WHEREAS, DFW Great 100 Nurses has named 3,000 honorees since
  its inception, and Pam Sherrill is only the 63rd school nurse to be
  recognized by the program; drawing upon her 26 years of experience,
  she currently serves as the nurse facilitator for Mesquite ISD; in
  that role, she travels to each campus in the district, supporting
  her fellow school nurses in their important work; ably responding
  to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms. Sherrill has helped
  oversee services that promote the physical, mental, and emotional
  health of students, staff members, and families; and
         WHEREAS, Through her unwavering commitment to the well-being
  of the students and faculty in the Mesquite Independent School
  District, Pam Sherrill has distinguished herself as an outstanding
  role model in the nursing community, and she is indeed deserving of
  this prestigious accolade; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Pam Sherrill on her induction into
  the 2021 class of DFW Great 100 Nurses and extend to her sincere
  best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Sherrill as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.